Uninvited (An Unfortunate Slight) - Bizarroe - NC-17 - 09/??

Dec 31, 2007 06:34

Title: Uninvited (An Unfortunate Slight)
Author: shelia  ivorykiss
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: angst, violence and dark graphic sexual situations
Pairing: Bizarroe
Spoilers: Phantom, Bizarro
Disclaimers: I don’t own them, that makes me sad. The title and moodlets of this little piece are from Alanis Morissette’s Uninvited.
A/N: Comments, critiques are always welcome. The awesome banner was generously made by the lovely and talented  mssullivan!!

Previous: Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight


Chloe opened her eyes and found herself sprawled on top of the being she had dubbed ‘Bizarro Clark’. Her head rested on his broad chest, her arms were wrapped around him and her legs to either side of his hips. He had one arm thrown possessively around her waist, while one hand firmly gripped her thigh.

Chloe rubbed her face against the smooth skin of his chest and reflected that maybe it wasn’t such a horrible thing for a girl to wake up being sticky, sore and reeking of sex.

She shifted on top of him and winced as much used muscles protested the movement. She pushed herself up, and he grunted softly and lifted his hips. That’s when she realized he was still hard and partially inside her.

She froze, basically on her hands and knees above him. “You weren’t kidding, were you?” Chloe murmured softly to his sleeping form as she resisted the urge to shift and take him fully into her body.

Chloe glanced around the cavern, there was a soft light illuminating most of the cave, courtesy of the opening off to the side, and as she looked around she noted the markings and glyphs on the walls.

They were eerily similar to the ones in the Kawatchee caves and Chloe recognized many of the symbols as Kryptonian, even recognized the image that the Kawatchee had called Numan, but one major difference stood out.

Here, instead of Numan fighting Segeth, Numan was fighting Numan.

And between them both was a figure, obviously female, obviously naked and on her knees, and there were lines of green and black radiating from her into both of the ‘Numans’.

Chloe swallowed hard, she had the distinct feeling she wasn’t in Kansas anymore.


She glanced back down at him.

“Hey, yourself.”

He looked up at her with sleepy eyes. He yawned, giving her a flash of sharp white teeth as he stretched under her and Chloe couldn’t help the little gasp that escaped her at his movements.

Pure masculine interest flashed in his brilliant green eyes as his hands moved to her hips and his grin was the wickedest, sexiest thing she’d ever seen as he pushed her slowly down onto him.

Her little gasp turned into a moan and she shuddered as he slid the thick length of him fully inside her. Chloe bit at her lower lip as his large hands skimmed up her body to cup her breasts, his thumbs brushing over her nipples, teasing the sensitive skin until they were erect and she was trembling. He smiled and moved one hand to her face.

“You are so beautiful Chloe,” he murmured as his fingertips traced the outline of her mouth. His large hand cupped the back of her head and pulled her down for a kiss.

He pressed his lips to hers with soft little brushes against her mouth, slowly becoming harder and deeper and hotter. She felt his cock twitch deep inside her as he thrust his tongue between her lips, caressing hers with long demanding strokes.

Suddenly he flipped them and Chloe found herself on her back. She grasped at his shoulders as he began to move within her. He nuzzled against her neck, sucking and licking and biting at the skin under her jaw line as he increased the pace of his thrusts.

“I’ve wanted you for so long,” he breathed against her skin and Chloe moaned. Maybe she was just easy. Or maybe he was just that good, because ripples of pleasure were already arcing through her and her hands tightened on his shoulders as she felt herself tighten around him.

He must have been able to feel it too because he suddenly twisted his hips, then he was grunting his pleasure and the broad head of his cock was hitting that place deep inside her that made her vision gray at the edges, and as her orgasm overwhelmed her senses she could hear him whisper softly in her ear as he shuddered, coming with her.

“Oh, Chloe, I love you so much.”


Soon after their lovemaking, in typical male fashion, Bizarro had drifted back to sleep and Chloe had carefully eased herself from under his body and walked gingerly around the cave, looking for a place to relieve herself and studying the symbols left by presumably alien hands.

She found a place far in the back, empty of markings and thankfully hidden. Chloe steadied herself against the wall and carefully squatted, whispering an apology to any human or alien ghosts or spirits that could be lingering around. She felt kinda weird peeing in this place, but it wasn’t like she had much choice. She thought longingly of toilet paper as she finished and damn, it took all her strength to straighten back up and had to lean against the wall for a moment until her legs quit trembling quite so much.

She laughed softly at herself as she crept carefully around the cavern. If asked, every girl on the planet would say they wanted a day filled with lots and lots of hot sex, but the reality was lots and lots of hot sex made it very hard to walk.

But oh, it was so worth it.

Just then, Bizarro made a snorting sound and she glanced over at him, watching him carefully as he rubbed at his nose with his fist and rolled over on his back.

Clark’s affinity for acres of plaid and baggy jeans had hid much of his large frame but Chloe always had a pretty vivid imagination and she had thought she had been generous in her estimation of his ‘assets’, but in those little fantasies of hers she hadn’t really done him justice.

Proof was lying across the cave from her, his tall and muscular form sprawled out on the dusty rocky floor and the fact she could barely walk straight.

Chloe grinned to herself and continued her exploration and found herself standing before the twin images of Numan and the kneeling female. Reminding her, as if she could really have forgotten, that the man softly snoring across the cave from her was not Clark.

But... but, God help her, he also was.

This was all crazy and confusing as hell. This not Clark was bad, right? An alien escapee from an other dimensional prison who had somehow become the evil and murderous twin of her best friend, her best friend who also so happened to be a guy from a galaxy far, far away. Her best friend she’d loved since she was a teenager.

Chloe sighed.

Her best friend who obviously had wanted her too, but for some reason had not told her or acted on those feelings.

She looked back at Bizarro’s sleeping form and chewed at her lower lip as she studied him.

He kept saying he wanted to save her from Clark, and there was an undeniable sincerity in his eyes, in his touch. How was she going to distract him? Escape him? Oh God, did she even want to escape him?

Chloe sighed again and continued her wanderings. This place was bigger than the caves in Kansas and she eventually stumbled across a tiny little pool fed by a small stream of water. Gratefully she cupped her hands and let the stream splash and fill them. Bringing her hands to her face, she sniffed. It smelled fresh and clean and she took a tentative sip.

It was cool and refreshing, even if it tasted faintly of minerals and Chloe smiled, happily refilling her hands several times and drinking her fill before splashing some on her face, then on her lower body. It was cold and kinda stung, but she gritted her teeth and refilled her hands several times anyway, cleansing herself the best she could.

She had explored the majority of the cavern and figured it was time to go outside. Chloe walked slowly through the entrance and stood on the ledge outside the cave and surveyed her surroundings.

The sky above was dotted with fluffy clouds, some white, some gray as a precursor to an evening storm and she could tell it was late afternoon by the glimpses of the bright sun as it occasionally peeked through the clouds.

She shivered, and was filled with a sense of foreboding. Or maybe it could just be the fact she was stark naked.

She looked down at the thick forest of trees below her. Far, far below her. Chloe swallowed and stepped back a bit from the irregular ledge. She couldn’t see any signs of civilization anywhere. There was nothing but sky above and trees below and far off in the distance there was a haze of blue that could be the edge of a lake or maybe an ocean.

She could sense that he had joined her on the ledge.

“Where are we?” She asked.

“Somewhere he could never follow.” He replied as he wrapped his arms around her and nuzzled her neck. Chloe couldn’t help the giggle that escaped her as his lips tickled her skin.

She turned in his arms and rolled her eyes at him as she smacked at his chest. “Fine. But where?”

He pretended to stumble back and look hurt. Then he grinned.

“Oh just a little island off the coast of Australia.”

“Australia?” Chloe sputtered. “How..?”

He raised an eyebrow and smirked, looking pleased with himself. “I can fly. He cannot.”

“How did you know it was here?”

He shrugged and stepped towards her, “I dunno, I just did.”

“Some of the markings in the cave are Kryptonian aren’t they?”

He raised his hand and placed it lightly on her shoulder. “Don’t worry Chloe. He has his cave. I have mine. He can’t bother us here.”

“But how...”

He smiled at her and cut her off. “You know, I can think of better things to do than talk.” He lowered his head to kiss her when the sun broke through the clouds and haloed them with bright light.

A startling, high pitched whine escaped him and he flinched as his skin suddenly paled. He looked at her in confusion and pain as it morphed and cracked. He gritted his teeth as he pressed the heel of his hand below his left eye and retreated back into the cave, away from the direct sunlight.

Chloe followed, suddenly afraid.

“Fuck!” he hissed as he shook uncontrollably, his skin rapidly changing, rippling crazily back and forth between smooth ivory and ashen angles. He groaned in pain as he fell to his knees.

Chloe knelt beside him and stroked the hair back from his face. He looked like some bizarre living Picasso. She stroked his cheek softly, careful to avoid the growing wound below his eye.


“Don’t call me that!” he roared, then closed his eyes. He shuddered again and leaned into her hand.

“Chloe.” He whispered.

He opened his eyes and looked at her pleadingly. His eyes were clear and that stunning bright green she knew so well. They seemed to bore directly into her soul, and their beauty was filled with so much confusion and pain that they, along with his next words shattered her already cracked heart.

“I know there was a time when I... when I was something else, but please, Chloe, you have to believe me.”

She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly to her chest. Tears filled her eyes and spilled over to rain into and jewel his dark hair, because as crazy as it was, she knew he was speaking the truth when he whispered.

“I am Clark.”


bizarroe, chlark, bizarro, smallville, chloe, clark, fic: uninvited (an unfortunate slight), fic, smut

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