Apr 08, 2005 11:18
+yesterday pissed me off because the weather reminded me of how humid its gonna be this whole summer. I just woke up, which feels awesome, that feeling of having really no responsibility...you're still being taken care of. Man my dreams rocked so much last night because they were so vivid, even though i only remember little fragments of it. This dream was weird in the sense that it was hard distinguishing reality and dream because the dream started with me waking up from my own bed and seeing this...person. I woke up and, with him, ended up at the leadership workshop like 3 years go where i saw ashley gorham and others standing in the farm end of triple R. Background info, ashley gorham was my absolute role model during freshman and sophomore year...and sorta faded my junior year. I tried so hard to be everything she was...perfect. Sometimes i just want to let her know that i always looked up to her. Later on in the dream i found myself in purgatory. Although i dont believe in purgatory, heaven, or hell right now...i still dream about it. I was with a hell of a lot of people that i knew, and some i didnt know. There were animals also that acted as people, so i guess my dream had a bit of animation to it. But as i was walking around it had a hellish look about it, but there lacked demons or any pain i guess i would say. The whole point in getting out of purgatory is to recieve your wings and fly to heaven, otherwise youd get sucked into hell. There was a dance contest and it was almost like the people trying to get into heaven, against the people tempting the others going to heaven, to go to hell. So it was like skanky ass dancing against tasteful dancing. For some reason me and a group of people got our wings and made it...to earth. As if earth was heaven. Or heaven looked like earth or something. It was amazing but somewhat dissapointing at the same time. Well we ended up at this house in pembroke and the people that were younger and made it to heaven, had to participate in a race to become the senior people that made it to heaven (like initiation)...but we soon figure out that they were spies from heaven trying to find people that deserved to go to heaven. Well the race began and it was all the way to town center parking garage, along the streets we had to run singing the star spangled banner...weird. Anyways me and a few people came in first and ended up on the top of the garage building. Then..i see this guy who is like not model cute or like frat cute or anything cute...hes just amazing. Almost what i dont want in a guy, but just amazingly perfect. He had like dirty blonde hair buzzed and this "I dont care like shaving" sorta face but a sunkissed clean complexion. He had beautiful blue eyes and was wearing a white shirt. I can see color, and remember faces and places in my dreams...but one thing i cant do is hear. I never ever hear anything in my dreams, everything that is said or done is just assumed. But his hand ran into mine like he was trying to hold it but it was never grasped, and we just graviated towards each other. Then he turned around to me and told me we need to separate and slow down and maybe not talk to each other which freaked me out and then this person came up to me and said thats a bad idea, that we need to talk and get to know each other...either way i didnt care what happened. Then this paper like flashed and it revealed his name...being chelsey jacobs. I was freaked out because i thought that chelsey was his first name as well...but it wasnt. It was my name...but with my future husbands last name. I didnt know if that guy had the last name of jacobs or what...but then i ended up at the grocery store with mr. maybe and i asked him (still thinking his name is chelsey jacobs) that if i could just call him jacob and he said no... and then i woke up. INTERESTING .... weirddddddd.