Sep 09, 2008 11:11
I was sitting in the hall waiting for class yesterday morning and saw something I found quite amusing and outrageous.
I should start by saying that it was quite warm out, probably in the 80s by this point in the day (and though it rained later yesterday afternoon, it was still quite hot that morning). A girl walked by me, wearing furred ugg boots over her skinny jeans.
Uhm, I might be a little off here but I don't expect to see any snow for at least another two months.
I try to be open-minded when it comes to fashion, but... what was she thinking? Some people just don't get it. For example, there was this girl in my ALS class last semester who wore "dresses" so short you could see her butt hanging out complete with stretch marks and tan-lines, add the fact that she was about thirty pounds overweight...
"O hai, U R not sexy."
I'm supposed to be writing a summary of the preface and first chapter of Gloria Steinem's Revolution from Within. I never understood the purpose of writing such summaries. It's busy work. It's a waste of my time. I could see writing a response, or reflection on the chapters but a summary of the content? I like to think my intellectual abilities are a bit beyond that; however, I might just be overestimating myself.
Edit: Not to mention the fact that I'd much rather be writing for myself, and not for a class that I have no interest in whatsoever. See, that's the thing with school, it taps out all of my energy and will to do... anything... I can't wait for it to be over.