Sep 07, 2008 14:39
These days, I do the majority of my gaming on the go. That is to say, I own all of one game (Final Fantasy XII) that isn't for PSP, DS, or my computer. I've always been sort of torn between my DS and my PSP. In fact, if you had talked to me a little more than a year ago I would have told you that there was no way whatsoever I would buy a PSP.
Now if it came down to choosing between my PSP and my DS, I would choose the PSP.
Well, why?
I'm a little disappointed in the DS recently. I have a few games for it, but in the last six months I've probably only played it a handful of times. And, when I did play, it was for a few minutes of Pokemon or Tetris.
I was really looking forward to Final Fantasy IV DS, but was disappointed. I guess I am just not really a fan of the 3D graphics and if I'm going to play Final Fantasy IV, I'll opt for the GBA version.
So, most of the time my DS sits around collecting dust for the rare occasion I might want to play Pokemon.
My PSP on the other hand has been seeing a lot of use. In fact, I have more games for my PSP than I have for any of my other gaming systems. A whole six. I kno, totally hardcore gamer, wut?
I can play Valkyrie Profile on my PSP, and this just happens to be my favorite game ever. ;.; I also have enjoyed Final Fantasy Tactics and Crisis Core, so much so that I actually finished them. I've been playing Final Fantasy I, and that's been a great deal of leisurely fun as well.
I don't get this when I play my DS.
Has anyone else noticed that the plastic that makes up the DS has a tendency to get oily because of the oil on your skin? Mine does. It drives me up the wall. My PSP doesn't do this.
Most of the games I would use my DS for (at this point) are GBA titles. I have a GBA, it's pink, it's at Shawn's house sitting around and collecting dust.
I don't play games enough to be an expert, or anything of that sort, but if it came down to only being able to keep the DS or the PSP... I would opt for the PSP. In fact, if I was braver I might even sell my DS to buy dolls.
Yes, dolls.
I've been having too much sugar lately, it's really, really messing with my system. Ugh. Sick.
video games