I want everyone to meet my new doll.
Her name is Shausha. She is a Dollzone Celine.
She makes all of my other dolls pale in comparison.
I just have a couple quick pictures, I'll try to get better ones this weekend.
Un-enhanced Version.
Color Enhanced Version.
Now that I have this beauty in my hands, I am almost 100% sure that I will be selling my Bobobie Sprite and my Blythe. I am 100% sure that the Dal Tezca I preordered will also be sold as NIB (new in box). These funds will go towards buying items for Shausha.
I ordered her as a fullset on Ebay for a greatly discounted price. The only small flaw she has is that one of the grommets on her skirt have torn free and the stretch-velvet is tearing.
I plan on getting her a pair of faux-leather shorts, installing her belts/bangles on it as a substitute for the skirt. I also want to get her a pair of long pants (both from
Marsh Pants).
She came with both flat and high-heeled feet. The boots she came with are high-heeled, but I would like to get a flat-footed pair. She stands like a dream.
At first, I wasn't sure I would like her default wig. I do. My only complaint is that the dollzone wig sits funny and is very flat in places (hence the scarf around her head). So I plan on getting her another white mohair wig probably from
Blushed Roses.
Finally, I would like to get her a SD-scaled sword, a knife/dagger, and a flowy blouse of some sort.
She came with her outfit (skirt, two scarves, stockings, gloves, and top), boots, extra high-heeled feet, wig, and staff. The seller included with her a leopard-print robe, green eyes, pale-blue eyes.
I am so pleased with her. So, so pleased. ;.;