wednesday not-reads

Mar 25, 2020 18:34

What I'm currently reading:

News. Social media. News. Scary graphs. A few more chapters of The Flight of the Heron.

What I'm currently listening to:

I couldn't focus on audiobooks so I downloaded the past month or so of the NYT podcast The Argument, and listened to that while running. It was sort of surreal listening to discussion of the current crisis from the point of view of weeks ago. I had forgotten, though, that my new (as of late October) phone doesn't have a headphone jack, and so I had to get clever and figure out how to find the actual files downloaded from Podbean, and then copy them to Dropbox, and then copy them from my computer to my little mp3 player. That done, I have also ordered a pair of inexpensive bluetooth earbuds for the future!

What I'm currently watching:

B and I are midway through S3 of Peaky Blinders. Exiled Russian aristocrats woohoo! I'm also five episodes into Castlevania, which I watch while riding the stationary bike. (The weather's been crap lately, which I don't mind running in but won't ride in.) I can see what the big pairing has got to be, which I admit is perfectly set up to appeal to me - yep, though I'm pleasantly surprised upon checking AO3 that the obvious OT3 has nearly as much fic. ("Both. Both is good.")

Speaking of fic, I am also pleasantly surprised that people are reading a lot of fic right now, and commenting on it - a couple of days ago I got THREE comments (from different people, on different fics) and today I got TWO, from completely different people and on different fics than the previous! Even more amusingly, all five stories are in different fandoms. I am filled with delight at this!

I hope you are all doing well out there in internet-world ♥

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