mortified, and a meme

Mar 29, 2020 17:07

I know, I'm not supposed to touch my face, so I'll let Sandra Oh facepalm for me. As you may recall, I'm watching Castlevania, and the other day I saw S2E2, "Old Homes", in which the following exchange happens, and I don't even have to watch it again because it's famous enough to be on the wiki:

Sypha: ...if you two can manage not to kill each other while I'm gone.
Alucard: Oh, please. We're not children.
[she leaves]
Trevor [in a totally deadpan voice]: Eat shit and die.
Alucard [in a totally deadpan voice]: Yes, fuck you.
[Both bust out laughing.]

I mean, it was hilarious - when Trevor and Alucard first meet, they try to kill each other, but they very quickly realize that they have the same objective and ought to be allies. But my heart sank like a stone. You probably don't remember, but in my Yuletide reveals post and subsequent discussion I mentioned that I deleted a comment on the Dark Crystal f/f I wrote, and elaborated by saying Basically it was "they would never kiss, they would be yelling obscenities at each other!" and I was - how can you leave that on a gift for someone, who specifically asked for these characters developing a relationship? You're not just insulting my writing, you're insulting the recipient. So I deleted it.

Want to guess what their comment was? Yeah, it was the above dialogue (with characters switched out for the ones I wrote, and without the bracketed info that gives context). I feel terrible for so completely missing the point that I made an angry reply, then deleted both reply and comment. The comment disappeared from my AO3 inbox (I don't think I deleted it) so I have no idea who it was who left it, but if you happen to be reading this, I am so very sorry that I didn't know the context and misinterpreted your comment! I feel like a terrible person!

Anyway. So that this post isn't entirely about my stupidity, have a plague meme, first seen chez
ambyr and
hamsterwoman. I've adapted their version to list things that are relevant to my own life, which I think is the point of this meme, right? (Like, others are listing Last time I went to the office, but I work from home full-time so not bothering with that one.)

Last time I traveled abroad: Spain, September 21-October 13 2019.

Last time I saw my parents: October 13 2019, on the way home from Spain. (Not counting the Google Hangouts we did last week with them and my brothers.)

There are some questions about last time I slept in a hotel and last time I flew on a plane, but all of these are the same and related to the above trip, so.

Last time I had a houseguest: February 18th 2020 (B's friend Bob, who lives about an hour away and had flown back from a trip late that evening - we're closer to the airport, and the weather was lousy, so he stayed with us.)

Last time I had dinner at a friends' house: December 13th 2019, with relatively new friends Ryan and Laurie.

Last time I had friends over for dinnner: January 21 2020 - Frank and June invited us to see the Choir of Man with them, so I served up chili and we went to see the show. That was not quite the last theatrical performance I saw...

Last time I went to a party: January 31 2020, at James and Barb's place, to watch our winter festival parade. After that, we went to the theater to watch the simulcast of the (extremely ribald) variety show that is a big part of our winter festival, and so that's the last theatrical performance I saw.

Last time I threw a party: February 15th 2020, we had three other couples over for wine and food pairings - a catered thing that I had bought in a fundraiser. If that doesn't count, we held a huge New Year's Eve shindig. We were going to hold a small party on St. Patrick's day, but we canceled it.

Last political event I attended: March 7 2020, the Democratic caucus. (Colorado has a weird caucus plus primary system.)

Last time I got my hair cut: November 12 2019. I have long curly hair (not snakes!) but like to get it re-layered and trimmed every three months or so, so it's overdue.I have resigned myself to looking as though I'm the girl guitarist in a 1970s band for the duration.

Last time I went skiing: February 24th 2020. Also the last time I ate in a restaurant, since we always splash out for the "fancy" sit-down place at the top of the mountain for lunch. We had a stretch of no snow so we didn't bother going (usually we ski 1-2x/week), and were planning on going again on Monday March 16th as it finally snowed on the weekend...but that's when the governor closed all the ski areas down.

Last race I ran: Reach the Beach, a 200+ mile relay race I ran as part of a 12-person team, over September 13-14 2019. I was planning to run a half marathon on March 14th, but it was canceled. (I am registered for another half in early June. We shall see if it happens.)

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meanderings, meme, woe

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