humor in the time of coronavirus

Mar 19, 2020 10:58

Have some coronavirus humor, courtesy of my friends on Facebook (ETA: and from my DW friends in the comments), curated by me:

  • If the coronavirus persists into springtime tick season, we'll all end up with Corona with Lyme.
  • You're only really in quarantine if you're in the Quarantine region of France. Otherwise, it's just sparkling isolation.
  • Germans are preparing by buying sausage and cheese. It's a Wurst Käse scenario.
  • The U.N. health agency has determined that dogs do not have to be quarantined--i.e., WHO let the dogs out. (via
  • Apartment building:
    Downstairs neighbor emails upstairs neighbor: Hey, can your kid keep it down? My kid is taking a math test online.
    Upstairs neighbor replies, Sorry, but my kid is taking his gym class online. (via
  • What's the difference between the 2020 novel pandemic and the plot of Romeo and Juliet? [answer, if you wanna figure it out on your own] (via
  • March 15: Irish government orders bars closed for St. Patrick's Day
    March 16: Irish engineers demonstrate test that can detect covid in 15 minutes
    "If we stay sober we'll have cold fusion by the end of the week" (via

ETA because I forgot it originally: Also, I'm really enjoying the take on the virus situation by the Australian political/contemporary cartoon First Dog on the Moon (at The Guardian, which has no paywall, but I subscribe to it online partly because I appreciate the lack of paywall!)

And some not-humor: via
boxofdelights, Haymarket Books has ten nonfiction books (lefty politics, mostly) free on their website.

Need a joke? Take a joke! Have a joke? Leave a joke!

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