That is, we have spent the last four nights in the new house; most of our things are still in boxes, and I'm typing this on my computer which is set up on our former laundry table (which had been intended for use in the garage/shop) because my desk wouldn't fit through my narrow office door, and also, it (and the rest of our furniture from the old house, sigh) clashes terribly with the colors of the new one, so I told the movers to leave it in the garage and I'm going to try to sell it and buy a new one. (I kind of wanted a new one anyway, because that thing is way too big, I don't need all those drawers and shelves.)
Lucy is utterly traumatized, not just by the move and the unfamiliar place but because work on the exterior is still happening, and it's LOUD and there are STRANGE PEOPLE outside the windows, so 75% of the time she just hides out in a secret kitty hole she found in B's desk. The other 25% of the time, which is when we're trying to sleep, she meows and crawls on us and kneads us as if to beg reassurance that her life will go back to normal sometime. Sorry, kid.
My Google News wants to tell me all about Game of Thrones, except we don't have our TV yet (the cabinet is still being built) and so I am LA LA LA CAN'T LOOK SPOILERS WILL EAT ME. Which, also, I am a GoT/ASoIaF tag wrangler so I am currently not holding up my end of things, oops.
On the other hand, I unpacked the wine and found the corkscrew, so I have chemical aid in dealing with all this move trauma. And I read
this Washington Post article about a polyamorous trio of bald eagles raising eaglets together and my heart grew three sizes. ♥
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