obligatory post-yuletide-assignment post

Oct 19, 2007 12:05

I wrote out an entire post about last night's epic chain of fandom-related nightmares, then deleted it, because dreams are boring to other people. I'll only say that one of the anxiety dreams was about Yuletide. You know how the Yuletide assignments went out, and then they were revoked because some people were mis-matched? I dreamed that I was sitting in front of my computer waiting for my new assignment (and kind of bummed, because my first one was so cool) and when it arrived, it looked...totally weird. Like, not even did I not recognize the fandoms, I didn't recognize anything. It had things like, Winter assignment: Scooter/Vanilla, no switching please. Spring assignment: Freedom. WTF? And so I tried to email the mods, and my computer started acting up, the browser was shrinking to a tiny diamond shape and I couldn't read the website and my email wasn't going through and...I woke up.

Anyway, first assignment was very cool, although in the OMG FLAIL MUST RESEARCH sense. I may try to write it yet, but probably not until next year, because if someone else writes it, whew, I don't have to, right? Second assignment is a fandom I love and am happy to have the excuse to write, but hmm, this other fandom I didn't offer looks awfully intriguing, so I may yet end up in OMG FLAIL MUST RESEARCH territory.

I don't really have much in the way of a Dear Writer letter, because I think my details for each fandom pretty much spell out what kind of story I'd like best. Other than that, some general stuff about my tastes: Explicit sex is okay, non-explicit sex is okay, no sex is okay. (If you're writing one of the historic-era fandoms any sex should be in believable language for that era. If you're writing Bon Cop Bad Cop, I'd love explicit sex - and I don't mind explicit het as well as the explicit slash - but not a PWP.) I am fine with deathfic or unhappy endings, if that's the bunny that bites. I generally prefer plot, past tense, a clear narrative, lots of dialogue, and good spelling and grammar. But write something that hooks me hard, and all other considerations go out the window. (Except the good spelling and grammar part. And this is an exception to my "historical language" preference - if you're writing in the form of journal entries or anything epistolary, which I incidentally would adore for the Lewis/Clark, kindly keep idiosyncratic spellings to a minimum.)

Please, Dear Writer, enjoy yourself. I shall be delighted to receive a story in any of the fandoms I requested. ETA: Which, for the curious, are: 3:10 to Yuma (Wade/Prince), Ivanhoe (anything Rebecca-centric, gen, het or femslash), RPF - American Frontier (Lewis/Clark), and Bon Cop Bad Cop (David/Martin).

I am really loving reading everyone's Dear Writer letters for both DSSS and Yuletide. All these wonderful story ideas people have! It's like a ginormous brainstorming session! I also was fascinated by this year's asked/offered statistics and by the comparison with last year's.

And in totally non-Yuletide news, my cat has abandoned my lap in favor of the yarn squid that leonandra made for me:

dreams, squid, cat, meanderings, photos, yuletide

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