
Oct 18, 2007 10:50

It's a beautiful blue-sky autumn morning, hooray! And I made popovers for breakfast, which were yummy with butter and local chokecherry jelly. And best of all, I discovered that the person who had uploaded some music months ago that I loved - and subsequently lost in a hard-disk crash - still had the file on her server, so yay, I have it again.

Five things I'm looking forward to:

1. Yuletide assignments OMG! Today is the last day of sign-up, and the number of participants is slowly edging toward 1200. ETA: 1205 @ 18:30GMT! *boggles* I am excited even though in the last few days, two people have backed down from offering Bon Cop, Bad Cop. What is wrong with you? Don't you want to write it for me?

2. My husband's leaving tomorrow afternoon and won't be back until sometime next week. I love him, I do, but since we both work at home, we are together pretty much 24/7, and I like having alone time in the house, because then I can do fannish things and not feel guilty! I can watch media he would hate! I can work on my vid! I can record podfic! I can chat with other fangirls!

3. I have an optometrist appointment next Tuesday, and that means soon I will have new glasses that I can actually see with. Last year I went to my old eye doctor office and they stuck me with a new guy who was terrible - he insisted my prescription hadn't changed when, hello, I can't see out of my right eye! And it's only gotten worse over the year. If I close my left eye, anything more than four feet away is blurry. This year I'm going to a new office. Hopefully their doctors know how to operate their damn equipment.

4. Finishing my $#@! ds_match story. I hate it with the passion of ten thousand fiery suns, at the moment. Plus, it's taking up all my creative time and energy. So when I'm done with it, I can finally work on the edits of the Rae story start the DSSS and Yuletide stories. *sigh*

5. Daylight Savings Time ends November 4, finally. I really like DST, actually, but it is past time for it to be over. I'm strongly phototropic; remember that Northern Exposure episode where Joel stayed awake for days in the middle of summer because it didn't get dark? That would be me. And if I lived in Alaska or northern Canada, I'd hibernate all winter, because dark=sleep. Sure, the hours of sunshine remain the same no matter what the clock says, and because I don't have to adhere to any external schedule for work, it shouldn't matter whether I'm waking at 7:00 or 8:00. But I prefer to have my waking hours coincide with normal activity hours, because it just makes things easier. And I feel like such a slug getting up at 8:00 these days.

Your turn, kittens! Tell me what is making you happy today! Tell me something you're looking forward to with antici-pation!

festathons, meanderings

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