a few assorted recs

Aug 20, 2007 14:24

This is a bit of a hodgepodge, but I shall use my Gryffindor Sheppard icon, since most of these are either HP or SGA. Three vids, two stories, and a comic.


BS Book Review by Christina (kokiri85) | Gen Snape and Black, G, comic. I sort of recced this earlier, but this is for those who missed it, as well as for my own rec-accumulation records. Sirius Black and Severus Snape review "Deathly Hallows." Funny as hell - er, heaven. In two parts so far - there's a link to part 2 at the end.

Snakes on a Plane by dualbunny | Gen Harry, PG, vid. OMG AWESOME. "Oh, I'm ready for it, come on bring it!" is a great theme for Harry. Haha, Voldemort, Harry's sick of your motherfucking snakes on his motherfucking plane! Actually less cracky than you might think.


Boys Gone Wild by tx_tart | McKay/Sheppard, AU, NC17, short story. I'm generally not a fan of stories about younger versions of the characters, but this AU in which they are college friends who become something more while on spring break is lovely and hot and sweet, with well-done structure that flips between flashback and present.

Lifetime Piling Up by cesperanza | McKay, PG, vid. Oh, Rodney. This is Rodney, his failures and his triumphs, his self-recrimination and his glee. Yay.

Slings & Arrows:

Letters to La Paz by loneraven | Geoffrey/Ellen, PG, short story. Smart and sensitive and evocative in all the right ways without being overdone. Post-S3, Geoffrey's in Montreal, alone, while Ellen finishes her contractual obligations. I particularly love Ellen, who seems to have just stepped right out of S3.


Improper Dancing by marycrawford | Multifandom slashy PG vid. Everybody's doing it, doing it, doing it, and what's really fun is how they're doing the same things in the same ways in all our fandoms! Awesome clips, perfect timing.

recs:vids, recs:other, recs:hp, s&a, sga, art, recs:sga, hp, recs

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