Something of an Update

Nov 02, 2015 20:56

I haven't written a single word since I posted the last chapter of Erebor Restored. The mojo just isn't there. There are only, maybe, two chapters left and I just can't get into the head-space to write it. Now, there are reasons for this. I once again find myself pregnant and this one seems to be doing well, which is new. It seems that the previous miscarriage and chemical pregnancy(s) were a result of low progesterone and I'm on a supplement now. But I digress. What this means is that I am a ball of hormones and strange changes to my body and my thoughts are mostly on those things these days. Now that I'm fairly certain that I won't lose this one I'm starting to expand my focus. I'm hoping that as my symptoms calm down (and I'm not falling asleep before 10pm any more) I will be able to start writing again. I'm desperate to finish that story. I have all of the outlining done, the next chapter is blocked out, POV, scene order, all of that, I just have to write it. Which I will do. I just don't know when that will happen.

erebor restored, writing

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