Mar 04, 2016 18:20
Chapter 16 of Erebor Restored is almost finished. I'm on the last scene and then there will be some MAJOR editing, but the I can finally post again. I'm thinking that there will only be one more chapter after this one, two at the most. I am desperate to finish this story. I NEED to finish this story, but pretty much from the moment my daughter was conceived, I haven't had a drop of inspiration. I'm six and a half months along now and my mojo had better come back after she's born. I haven't been able to work on my original story, I haven't even wanted to READ any fanfiction. That right there is huge, that's been a daily staple for me for a decade or more. Now? Not so much.
Bottom line, I will finish ER. I don't know when. (Don't know how. Don't care what I have to sacrifice to whom, it will happen.) So just be patient with me for a bit longer.
erebor restored,
writing is hard