Maquia's KAME CAMERA - What, when, why (summary vol.1-46)

Nov 08, 2015 23:13

It's a long time I don't post something... I'll just let you know that I didn't disappear. Next 8 volumes will be posted first at kamesanctuary as a project for Kame's 30th birthday. So please wait a bit more and stay tuned! :)
In the meanwhile... Kame camera will be 5 years this December. Would you say it?! :D so I thought everyone would appreciate to bathe in memories, and I created a summary of Maquia articles until now. Good for old fans and new fans who weren't here yet.
After all these years some pics were missing. I fixed all of them now... thanks to moveslikekame for providing the ones I lost!

KAME CAMERA ~ what, when, why

Maquia is a monthly magazine about beauty care and cosmetics released on 23rd of every month.
亀カメラ Kame Camera is a regular serial column on Maquia. Complete title is "KAME CAMERA - What's the scenery of the bottom of the heart that Kamenashi Kazuya's lens reflects?"
The issue is composed of 2 pages - one is a picture of Kame himself taken by a magazine photographer, and the other page includes of course the interview and Kame's own taken picture.
Every month, Kame is given a theme: he talks about that theme, what he thinks and feels about it, and as the title hints, he also includes a picture he took regarding that theme, commenting why he chose that scenery or photo. As he repeated more than once, on this serial goes deep on the topic given, exposing facts and sides of him still unknown or being more honest and revealing more details than any other magazine or interview. He has touched many topics till now, like his past, his family, the group, work, his ideal girl, friendship, what's being a man or woman for him, etc.

Maquia's Kame camera started on December 2010 with vol.1, released on the issue dated 2011/2; from time to time Maquia features an expanded special where topic and pages are wider than the regular volume.

Vol.1 - 未来 FUTURE

Vol.2 - 美しさ BEAUTY

Vol.3 - 生まれた場所 WHERE I WAS BORN

Vol.4 - チームTEAM

Vol.5 - 秘密 SECRET

Vol.6 - つくるTO CREATE

Vol.7 - 大人 ADULT

Vol.8 - 五感 FIVE SENSES

Vol. 9 - カラダ BODY

Vol.10 - コミュニケーション COMMUNICATION

Vol.11 - ファッション FASHION

Vol.12 - ドラマチック DRAMATIC

Vol.13 - 友だち FRIENDS

Vol.14 - 男らしさ MANHOOD

Vol.15 - 年齢 AGE

Vol.16 - アイドル IDOL

Vol.17 - 勝負 MATCH

Vol.18 - 小悪魔 LITTLE DEVIL

Vol.19 - 匂い SCENT


Vol.21 - せつなさ MELANCHOLY

Vol.22 - 伝統 TRADITION

Vol.23 - 宝物 TREASURE

SPECIAL INTERVIEW - 24 hours with Kamenashi Kazuya

Vol.24 - 男子イズム BOYISM

Vol.25 - ADDICT

Vol.26 - ひとり ALONE

Vol.27 - ルール RULES

Vol.28 - モチベーション MOTIVATION

SPECIAL INTERVIEW - 6 Kamenashi Kazuya

Vol.29 - 旅 TRAVEL


Vol.31 - 学ぶ TO LEARN

Vol.32 - 顔 FACE

Vol.33 - Love

V o l.34 - 今 NOW

Vol.35 - 癒し SOOTHING

Vol.36 - 鍛える TO DISCIPLINE

Vol.37 - 暮らし LIVING

Vol.38 - 8年 8 YEARS

Vol.39 - スタンダード STANDARD

SPECIAL INTERVIEW - Kamenashi Kazuya and the three photographers

Vol.40 - つなぎとめる TO SECURE

Vol.41 - 艶 CHARM

Vol.42 - ミニマム MINIMUM

SPECIAL - Kamenashi Kazuya's ROOTS

Vol.43 - 色 COLOR

Vol.44 - 女心 Woman's heart

Vol.45 目 EYES

SPECIAL - Fascinating Kamenashi Kazuya

Vol.46 温もり WARMTH

So many pictures Kame took in these years... what do you think about them? Do you see recurring themes? Which is your favourite? (For the special issues, Kame's pics are inside the post because they're always more than one)
Let's discuss a bit about this project~ ^^

*translation: kame camera, *masterpost, $magazine: maquia, *translation: magazine, .member: kamenashi

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