General Updates on Life

Nov 07, 2009 18:19

*chuckles* nakanaide_stray poked me to update, so here I am~

Haha and it has been a while, I'll admit. So, to start off with:

So, at the end of September - went to Otakumex all by myself (friends ditched me :P )  and met 3 awesome new people to hang out with all weekend long.  Of course, I dressed up - I mean come on! It's ME!  I went as a white mage from the Final Fantasy Series.  For entertainment value, you can see my pic here (i'm absolutely hideous, but meh).  Had a blast, hosted a panel about Japanese culture, where I pretty much rambled for like 45 Mins about the random crap I've gleaned over the years.

And then, because Karma is ever turning, about a week after, my back started to hurt MAJOR!  Like I could barely stand up straight!  Ever since then, I've been seeing my Chrio 2x a week and actually got Physical Therapy approved by my Primary Doc.  The good news, this karmic turn didn't last very long - for the last week and a half, I've been doing much much better!

During the whole back issue, Ceinwyn (one of my best friends) got engaged!  Yay!  It was a bit of a shock at first, but both she and Jason seem very happy, so who am I to complain?

I was also offered to move in with C-chan's sister, Eleanore, to be kind of a live-in Nanny for her gorgeous little girl while she and Peter (her hubby) work and/or go to school.  The only sad thing is, right now it's just not a very good option right now.  My parents keep relying too heavily on me, and to a certain extent - I'm not quite ready to move out yet.  Insanity right?!?!  I know my pops and I fight like 2 tom-cats.... or maybe Roosters, would be a better analogy as we're both extremely tempted to kill the other most of the time...  but... I don't know, I'm just not quite ready to leave yet.  As much as I'd love to just cut ties with them, I want to be self sufficient before I do.  Which leads to the next point....

Jobs... or lack there of...

I've been searching ever since I quit back in Feb.  I even tried reapplying at another hotel - even got an interview!  BUT, and there's always one, during the interview I started breaking down.  My brain almost literally shut down and I started to feel panicky, very similar to that disastrous morning that I don't remember much of.  So, I've avoided applying at hotels from then on.  It's just not worth it.  The frustrating thing is, the economy here still hasn't recovered from the downfall.  I hear that the housing market has picked up, but the job market seems to have only gotten worse!  I mean, YIKES!  I've applied every where I can think of, especially if they're hiring for the holidays, but so far nothing!! ARGH!!

But I'm still trying.  I'm also thinking about pulling my parent's film camera out and just going out and taking photos.  The fall colors are starting to really show around my neighborhood, and it's insanely tempting.  I really need to get a good SLR camera.  I got a camera last December, but it's more of a point and shoot than anything else, and it's fun to play with, but the re-load time between pictures is annoyingly slow.  Hence the idea of going out with the good film-cameras we have in the house.   I might also recruit friends so I can use them to create a new website design for my self.  I've been hesitant about using just any picture I find due to ownership rights and what not.  I HATE BEING GRAPHIC DESIGN CHALLENGED!!  I have like no graphic design skill what so ever.  I can code just about anything, but designing graphics from scratch is just not what I'm good at.  BAH!

Anyway... that's all I can really think of that has happened recently... my life is boring, but I'm doing the best I can...

bordom, home, friends, holidays, life, updates, insecurities, job, news

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