Title: Grey Rating: G Characters: Remus, Sirius Word count: 372 Disclaimer: I disclaim. A/N: Finally. This fic was starting to burn my computer. Inspired months ago by my favourite His Face Shines in the Gloom of My Parents’ House by
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Thank you so much for this comment! As you probably know, I was particularly curious to hear what you think, especially after all this teasing ;-)
It seems that I actually finished writing this fic as early as August. Somehow, though, I kept the notion that it wasn’t finished at all, but still I didn’t dare look at it. And having no time was obviously just a lame excuse; I expect I was just scared. Finally I opened the file a few days ago and discovered it was pretty much finished, I only had to throw out a few unnecessary things. Which I probably wouldn’t have done earlier, so all this waiting paid.
You are so very right about the last paragraph! I reread the Veil scene a few times beforehand, and I absolutely hate it for mentioning the fear. But I also appreciate it immensely - it makes Sirius a human being. Still, it wasn’t easy to include it in my story. I gave Sirius this one sparkling moment when he was all black and white again, and almost immediately I broke it. And I believe this is right, however much I’d rather see and
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I admire your discipline in throwing away unnecessary things - and your patience, even though it might look like fear. It requires internal motivation to write like this - and this kind of stories… I thought about adding this at the end of my comment on Stolen Time: according to my experience, very few R/S fans can be satisfied with fic without proper slashy touches (kisses etc). Of course, I hope your experience will be different, while I know you’ll write what you want to without worrying about popularity. Are you posting these subtle pieces on ff.net, too
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Oh, I love these thought-provoking exchanges! Whether they refer to your or my fiction, whether we agree or not - they're always wonderful.
… very few R/S fans can be satisfied with fic without proper slashy touches (kisses etc.). I think I'm beginning to know what you mean. I'm not sure if you noticed, but the last two fics (Nightly Light and Grey) I posted on remusxsirius got no or hardly any attention. I've been wondering if it was due to a coincidence (too many fics posted at the same time), lack of proper/good summary or the fics as such - their form, their content. I'm not really worrying, because I don't doubt the stories are what I wanted them to be. But, like you said, they might not be what the reader wants them to be. I'm considering whether to post “In Your Lap” and see what happens; thanks to the wonderful feedback on ff.net I started to believe in this story. However, I was inclined to think that pieces like Nightly Light and Grey would be appreciated on remusxsirius more than nice and pretty pointless fluff. Thus I’m now reluctant to post
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The word-count limit on FA is 500 words. Grey, Stolen Time, Leaving and Borders, my fic from last night, are all too short: around 350-420 words (although I have an idea how to make Borders reach over 500). Which means only A Prank and In Your Lap are long enough, and perhaps some day I’ll finish working on Choice, which is something over a 1000 words, too. Thus what remains is LJ and ff.net, as I’m not exactly familiar with other fandom pages
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You were right, and again thank you very much for pointing it out to me. Indeed had used to can be found in the Internet, but it is not correct. What do you think is better then: what his laughter had sounded like or what his laughter used to sound like?
It seems that I actually finished writing this fic as early as August. Somehow, though, I kept the notion that it wasn’t finished at all, but still I didn’t dare look at it. And having no time was obviously just a lame excuse; I expect I was just scared. Finally I opened the file a few days ago and discovered it was pretty much finished, I only had to throw out a few unnecessary things. Which I probably wouldn’t have done earlier, so all this waiting paid.
You are so very right about the last paragraph! I reread the Veil scene a few times beforehand, and I absolutely hate it for mentioning the fear. But I also appreciate it immensely - it makes Sirius a human being. Still, it wasn’t easy to include it in my story. I gave Sirius this one sparkling moment when he was all black and white again, and almost immediately I broke it. And I believe this is right, however much I’d rather see and ( ... )
… very few R/S fans can be satisfied with fic without proper slashy touches (kisses etc.). I think I'm beginning to know what you mean. I'm not sure if you noticed, but the last two fics (Nightly Light and Grey) I posted on remusxsirius got no or hardly any attention. I've been wondering if it was due to a coincidence (too many fics posted at the same time), lack of proper/good summary or the fics as such - their form, their content. I'm not really worrying, because I don't doubt the stories are what I wanted them to be. But, like you said, they might not be what the reader wants them to be. I'm considering whether to post “In Your Lap” and see what happens; thanks to the wonderful feedback on ff.net I started to believe in this story. However, I was inclined to think that pieces like Nightly Light and Grey would be appreciated on remusxsirius more than nice and pretty pointless fluff. Thus I’m now reluctant to post ( ... )
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