My Commandments For 2011

Jan 02, 2011 14:12

_!& I have to take care of myself. I am the sharpest tool I own. I am the finish line. I am.
This includes regular trims, waxes, shaves, exercise, manicures, pedicures, medication and nutrition.

_!& I have to take control of my personal growth. I have to strengthen who I am and expand.
This includes going back to school, speaking my mind, balancing my check book and spending only what I have wisely.

_!& I have to achieve. There is no giving up. There is no alternative.
This includes organization and planning, determination and pride.

_!& I have to be myself. No one can be me better than I can.
This includes resuscitating interests, hobbies and friendships. Words and music are who I am. That shalt not be forgotten. And to forget will not be forgiven.

I have taken myself for granted and this will no longer be acceptable. I have to remember who I am.

new beginnings; if you let them, new year, commandments

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