Burn out

Sep 19, 2006 09:36

God...  I studied more than I ever did yesterday.  Well not ever...  But I did the whole 1 question set, 1 hour break thing, no dilly dallying at any point.  8hrs?  Anyway, by...  10 or something I was like out of it.  I mean, I was answering the Qs, thinking about it, but when it came time to write, which helps me learn...  You should just see my handwriting.  So I don't know how much learning I did when it was only freaking 10PM.  I'm really not looking forward to today.  I mean, I won't get that much done, considering I want to go to best buy and the like.  But ugh...  Then, it was weird, during my hour breaks I was bored, nothing to do.  Nothing on the net.  I did clean my room, vacuuming, etc, etc.  But what else is there to do?

And just cause I meant to post it, but was too lazy to do so...

The Broadway wall.  I have to urge to link post a link to all the pics I have up there.  But at this moment...  No thanks.

My classmate, the child actor turned medical student in the movie Black Rain.  LOL!!!

classmates, broadway, pictures

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