I'm beginning to stress out.

Sep 20, 2006 09:59

Like a week left.  With all the studying I did Monday...  I must have been really burned out cause I did like nothing yesterday.  I mean, I did a Q set in the AM, then I went out.

Best Buy.  No freaking Ghosthunters, not in Tower Records either.  Grocery.  Picked up more snack food.  Getting fat...  Then, checked on the net, no GH in Borders either.  What the hell!?!

OK, so back home.  Maybe around 1.  Miss 2 scheduled session of study.  Not bad.  But then I decide to watch Hard Candy.  It was interesting, but yet I was falling asleep.  Comment on the movie?  Uh...  Can't think of anything right now.  Oh yeah...  So why is he more willing to turn himself in than letting this girl he likes find out.  I mean, wouldn't she find out anyway?  Then, I don't know if it's cause I'm a Patrick Wilson fan that I was sympathetic toward him.  Then it was weird how I was in denial about what he is, considering they didn't show the pics in the movie.  Just character reactions to it.  I guess that just says I need to see things to believe.

After the movie, I made my coffee and decided no matter what I was gonna get in 8 question sets.  But I was so tired...  A little nap for 2 hours couldn't hurt, right?

I did wake up on time.  But still mentally tried.  In the end, sleeping at 4, I got in 2 and a half Q sets.  In a sense all the work I did Monday, when to waste cause it like averages out...  In those falling asleep thoughts, freaking a week left practically.  I mean, I guess I am ready, just...  I'm scared at the same time.

Currently feeling OK.  Hopefully I can get in a lot of studying.


Yesterday was talk like a pirate day.  What is the origin of that?  Anyway, I like the subtle things on LJ, pirate patches, Crew Member of, Mateys.  Apparently they also had update Captain's log.

Found this on LJ...  Priestie Boyz.  LOL!!!  A serious boy band of seminarians (not hot), rock type.  I haven't really checked their music, but if they had like ballads and stuff I may like them.  But then...  I'm sorry, I need a little humor.  Then priests in a band?  What happens when they officially become Priests?  They got to disband, right?

I don't know how I found this...  But I stumbles across this profile.  Some guy is like using Cary Shields as his photos.  Then people are commenting how they loved RENT and he looks good in pics, etc, etc.  I mean, he doesn't say he's Cary Shield, but just uses his pics.  I find it funny actually.  Have the urge to message him saying I caught him.  Maybe he should add his music.

Evil evil evil thoughts...  So, I want to see the Altar Boyz tour.  But when?  Hm...  They'll be in Baltimore, lol.  I like how I say they...  It will be in Baltimore Nov 7th to Sunday or something.  I'm taking the CS in Houston.  Stop by TC's on the way home...  But then we're taking a plane down, that's kinda a waste hopping around, with Mom...  Honestly I'm scared Mom may see Altar Boyz.  Anyway, the whole NY to Houston to DC to NY is crazy...  But I'd love to do it.

I think I'll send off my last reminder.  I kinda want to have people respond by the evite to have it set in stone, plus I'm anal like that.  I mean, word of mouth...  I don't trust it.  Then...  I'm actually feeling bad for taking people's money.  But then did anyone ever feel bad for taking mine?
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