Yesterday and notes, like usual.

Sep 18, 2006 10:21

Sunday.  Church.  Duncan Donuts.  Uh...  I got in a question set.  Showered.  Off to Queens.  Tita Eveyln's bday.  Karaoke.  Since we were going to some party afterward, sparkyboy took a train.  The party died when he left.  Lol.  Left for the party.  OMG...  So we get there, there is supposed to be some lecture.  We were there shortly after 5.  It's not supposed to begin till 6 and then it didn't start till 7.  There were hor'derves though...  The party itself was supposed to start at 7 or something and people were getting pissed they had to listen to some commercial on freaking vitamins curing cancer and air purifiers the size of an ash tray.  Then stocks, etc, etc.  Just ate and left.  But since those sit down things...  They stretch out the food, we didn't leave till 10.  The party was to end at 11.  Went home and got in another Q set.  I'm upset I caved in and slept at 2, instead of 4 and forcing myself to wake at 8.

DVD Tuesday.  Ghosthunters Season 2.  Battlestar Galactica, Season 2.5 or is it 2.1?  Hard Candy!  Woo-hoo!

Qbank Q about Alcohol withdrawal.  While I was in Kings there was this guy who was going trough withdrawal and he went nuts!  He ended up leaving his room, down the hall into another patient's room and tried to extubate him, with that patient's family watching.  Yeah...  Not pretty.

In regards to Qs...  Maybe it's cause I'm used to the style, but they seem to be less...  Hard.  I mean, not that I'm doing great to begin with, just it doesn't seem as bad.  Then I get the answer right at times, yet my reasoning behind my answer choice is wrong or at least partially right.  Things are looking up...

Been sticking to the Qs, no dillydallying between to an hour break afterward to do things...  It's like an addiction.  Once I break past the urge to do something, I no longer need to do it.  I just write it down on a to do list and do it later.

Who the hell is Susan Egan and why is she messaging me asking me to be her friend!?!  Well it was more like...

Sep 17 2006 10:40 PM
Subject: Susan Egan and Broadway on Myspace

Hey there -- I've been wandering myspace looking for folks who are interested in Broadway, and ran across your space. I hope I'm not intruding, and if I am -- so sorry, and just delete me -- it's a very satisfying feeling. =)

I'm trying to talk the myspace powers into adding a Broadway or Theatre/Rock category to their music list, and to justify it I decided to really try to find out how many Bway/Theatre lovers there are out there.

My name is Susan Egan and I'm (running for president - no) a Bway actress and concert performer. Yes, it's actually me (which I say only because folks ask), and I'm enjoying meeting fellow theatre/music fans out there. If you're a Broadway type, feel free to check out my music and concert tour dates by visiting; or write -- I answer all messages personally.

But most of all, I encourage you to ask the powers-that-be to add a Broadway or Theatre category so we can all search for others like us. =)

And if you like, it'd be an honor to have you as a friend!



Then I was like...  Is it really necessary to have a broadway category?  Can't you just search anyway?  There is an other category...  But then...  She did mention b-way and it's not just some random band that wants me to friend them.  Do I want to be one of her 7K friends, when I don't even know who the hell she is?  I don't want to hear what she's up to, etc, etc.  But then I'm going through her profile.  Influences.  Cat Stevens!  I may like this chick...  Either way, eventually I think I'll message her about that.  Maybe when I decide to friend her.  I wonder where she did find me.  Hugh Panaro?  Altar Boyz?  Just a search with Broadway in general...  I'm sure she spammed 5 billion other people as well, just it's weird she randomly found my little space.

FYI...  I'm never big on the females, actresses or singers.  So yeah...

Ugh...  People annoy me...  I hate people who are part of a message board community who like go to the other people for help on something totally unrelated.  Crap about uploading pictures, etc, etc.

Oh yeah, Mom mentioned that she's gonna respond to my evitation.  I then asked her with what.  She said she didn't know.  Asked who was coming.  At that point it was no one.  I'm still not positive...  I've had people tell me they will, but who's paying.  I can go on Friday.  Don't people like read what I write?  Seriously...  Sounds clear to me.  Mom was like is 7500centfish going.  She asked if I wanted her to pay for me.  No.  I've got the money.  Then when I got to Queens, Aures mentioned that she and Roscel are going.  She mentioned the price, so I think they won't leave me hanging.  But was she aware of the November date?  I'm not sure.  I got a no response.  From durlxnemesis.  That hurt.  Who's gonna sit with me while I scream at Mark and get giddy cause of him?  Who's gonna take my picture when I get jabbed in the head with his spiky hair again?

Oh yeah, Aures then told me...  Alex asked Aures if she could buy him some...  I don't remember what term she used, but I burst out laughing saying he wants to wear bling for the King!  I mean, he basically asked her for a huge cross on a chain.  What have I done!?!  He's turning into Luke!  Anyway, her comes the serious me...  I mean, wear it cause you mean it, not for show.  As his Godmother, I seriously feel obliged to like...  enroll him in Catholic education. And...  If I could into Catholic school.  I know he's not my son.  But I am his God mother, and isn't the true point of that to make sure he learns the faith.  If they have a problem with that then...  I will no longer be his God mother and I'm taking the Altar Boyz cd back!  Lol.

Whoa...  Elmo is black!

Then I was watching an old clip on Leno.  Kristin Chenoweth.  She's actually pretty funny...  I think I like her...  Notice I said she's funny and mentioned nothing about her voice.  Sure she's got range and can sing.  But her normal...  The voice he's known for.  Freaking annoying!


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