Random topics on entertainment / School intertwined

Jul 01, 2006 01:32

Going to Altar Boyz tomorrow!!!  Yeah!!!  Haha...  It's funny.  I don't know what to wear.  Normally when I see something in the theater I like dress up.  Not overly so...  Dress pants, a shirt.  But to Altar Boyz...  I feel weird wearing jeans and a t-shirt, but...  I think if I dressed any other way, I'd stand out.  Well...  Let's hope it's not another prom night...  Either way, TC will be dressed casually.  Don't know if I should wear my orange good girl shirt or just a random black shirt.

Speaking of t-shirts...  The Cary Shields shirt I made.  Part of it, like a line down the picture washed out.  That's...  I haven't looked look, but it's not horrible.  But then the material it's on.  It's like a cotton sheet, the edges are tearing.  That's annoying me.  Looks like it's freaking taped on.  Note to self...  Don't use that anymore.  Maybe I should just rip off the front and magnitac it on.  Magnitac...  I'd fuck you...  Lol.

Neuro.  I'm clueless.  But then at the same time, I think he's going way too much into detail.  He even said himself, you're not gonna have time to think it out.  Then he's like, which is true...  We're not taking neuro boards so the Qs are going be like guy presents with a cord compression at x, what are the ABG findings.  Actually that seems too complex...  Then he's like 1 case with multiple questions, with different fields, like a neuro Q, an endocrine, etc, etc.  My review books aren't like that.  So in a sense I don't think he's helping at all.  Haha...  I used to want to become a neurologist.  I used to find it fun figuring all these lesion things.  Now...  I'm too lazy, it takes to much work.  What can you do anyway?  Like Dr. Adams said, sorry...  You're Grandma had a stroke.  We can't really do anything for her, but we can tell you where it is.  Lol.

Done cleaning.  Did laundry cause I had no pants...

Nick Lea...  He's going by Nick these days...  Like in credits...  Anyway, he's multitasking once again.  Before it was The X Files / Once A Thief.  Was he also in the Commish when The X Files started?  Outer Limits / that 1 ep of Sliders...  Now he's in Kyle XY and Whistler.  Kyle XY.  Well all we saw of Krycek was very Kryceky driving a car and being all mysterious.  Other than that...  The show...  I got to see it again.  The voice overs of the main character is an interesting technique.  Could get boring after a while.  Kinda reminds me of The New World, but less...  Interesting.  Now to Whistler.  First of all it's on Noggin / The N.  Home of Degrassi (the new crappy version...)  I mean, I've heard of it, imagine it being controversial.  But...  I still expect Noggin to be...  For kids / educational.  Shows like Square 1, Ghostwriter.  But then, like I said, it has Degrassi, My So Called Life was considered controversial in a sense.  Maybe cause I'm...  Practically an adult...  I don't want my kids watching that crap!  I'm sure my dad didn't want me watching Melrose place either...  Anyway, the previous show had something to do with a potential sex tape.  Didn't remember if it actually occurred cause they were too drunk to remember.  But of course, it being noggin...  Nothing happened.  The guy fell of the bed and they both passed out.  OK, to Whistler.  Synopsis kinda reminded me of Twin Peaks.  Death in a small town, popular guy, etc, etc.  Nicholas Lea a father!  I mean, I know he's like 40 or something, but...  I don't see him as a father figure.  Very unKryceky like.  Actually it was like way too emo...  I don't even know if I'm using that term right.  I mean, it's a pilot.  They have to establish things.  But a majority of it was basically crying / funeral stuff.  But my God Nick Lea is hot.  Seriously...  It's weird...  I watched like BSG every freaking week and Jamie never makes me swoon like that.  Maybe cause Nick is my first...  God he's hot.

OK, I got to stop...  Maybe I can watch The X Files or The Commish or something.

Oh yeah and what's with the semi looking Nick Leas but off.  Like the son, kinda looked like him, but blond and chunky.  They brother had similar eyes. I mean, I guess they're supposed to be related, but it's annoying me...

Eye bugging me yet again.  Not really dryness.  Just the constant awareness of it.  Honestly, I'm beginning to think it's like literally psychosomatic.  I need an SSRI or something.  Crap...  There is no drug treatment.

Oh yeah, so Dr. Goyal let us sleep on if we want Monday off.  He went to Julius.  We either have Mon or Tues off.  We chose Tues cause we always have Wed off.  That's better...  Cause I swear to God...  If I had to come in just to sign in...

Whilst waiting for lecture to start...  I was sitting next to this girl who went through KCHC as well.  She was saying how 3 people got kicked out.  1 for sleeping all night on call / later going home when approached about it.  A PA, said we don't do things like that around here, if you're gonna sleep, might as well go home, so he went home.  Then a group of kids reviewing a chart, someone asks to see it, not knowing it was the director and they blew her off...  Wow...  And to think I never got the boot for actual poor patient care.  Then the girl talking was mad she only got a B+ and that a majority get Bs.  That's reassuring.

I'm no longer sleepy.


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