Should be long, but it's somewhat short...

Jul 04, 2006 11:23

Monday, July 3, 2006 \ Time: 10:09 A.M. \ Mood:  rushed. \ Song: Something About You. \ Book: Altar Boyz Official Confession Card.

So I really have to start with Sat AM...  Drive to Queen.  Getting into the city at 1.  Get tickets.  Kill time walking around Times Square.

Ugh...  Cut to the imp part.

So I finally saw Altar Boyz.  I love it!!!  I want to see it again.  7500centfish thought it was cute.  Snippets here and there...  The Genesis of the Altar Boyz according to...  Insert altar boy.  I preferred Mark, of course.  Then Mark...  I thought Zach Hanna was overly straight to play Mark, but other than voice...  He did a good job.  And I'm not even saying he had a sucky voice, just a manly one.  Then he kept compensating for that with a gay lisp.  What else???  The songs I actually enjoyed most were ones I don't listen to.  Like La Vida Eternal.  Juan finds out his rents are dead and is like crying throughout / running off stage.  But when you listen to that, you don't get all the action.  Lol.  Then in Something About You, they pick a chick out of the audience right.  Well at one point while Matt is singing, eyes closed Mark is just staring at him like he's being sung to, then he realizes and runs off.  Lol.  ARG!!!  I want to see it again!!!  But I need time between...  I can't be psychotic...

OK, I'm gonna go down...

Time: 11:44 A.M. \ Mood:  hot. \ Song: Chatter.

I have 15 mins to kill...

After "work" I'm gonna go to staples.  I thought of going to Michaels, but I didn't bring what I want to return and...  I don't want to do that right now.

Anyway, where was I?  Other Altar Boyz comments...  During Number 918, which I don't get the significance of...  Abe was like too-ey!  too-ey! and spitting.  That was hilarious.  Then Mark screaming.  Then there was this whole soul saving counter thing or something.  After each song it would drop in number.  Left with 4 it was Epiphany.  No Change led to No. 918.  Exorcising the demons out.  Need to upload more songs...  I think I'll do all of them, the actual ones I'll listen to on a regular basis is another story...  So...  When will I see it again?

Sunday... Church in the AM, of course.  Then we ate.  Cemetery.  Went to the airport to pick up Jessica / Zachary and her boytoy, Josh.  No show...  Turns out they missed their flight, they got bumped or something...  I don't know.  Anyway, went back home, got ready and off to the party.

Party...  We started off with a prayer, ate, dance.  I mean, people had fun, but...  I still felt weird about the dancing / celebrating.  Then...  We brought food home.  WHAT!?!  Mom said it was the last day and therefore didn't count.  Still...  WHAT!?!  I didn't want to touch it.

Tuesday, July 4, 2006 \ Time: 1:47 A.M. \ Mood:  angry. \ Song: Number 918. \ Book: Peds Crush The Boards.

I swear to God...  If the same thing happens to Bubba, that happened to Charcoal...  They keep locking him up in the solar room so that bathroom is free and they can open the sliding door and leave the screen...  1.  It's freaking hot.  2.  Bubba's got to eat.  3.  He's got to piss...  I'm not sure if he pissed, but the log he just left.  That was disgusting.  I ended up giving him a can of food and popped his kitty litter in there.  I could care less that I may have woken people up.

So had my lecture.  It actually started somewhat on time.  12:15.  Till 1:30.  7500centfish text messages me...  If I got home before Queens pack up her bag.  I wanted to go to Queens...  So I'm done.  Give her a call.  They're on their way to the city.  Thanks for not inviting me...  / Waiting for me.  No one was at Queens / at work.  So I drive home.

Go to Staples.  Buy some notebooks, which I should be using, but I'm behind a day and a half...  Then, went to Michaels.  Returned some lettering / spray paint I don't think I'd use.  Bought more shirts.  Just a grey one for a random shirt I want to make.  A large black one for Dion.  I don't have black ink at the moment though...  Picked up some gems, glue, etc, etc.  Revamped...  Actually made a completely new TFCA shirt.  Don't know if I'll actually ever wear it in public.

What other shirts should I make?  For myself that is.

So I made that while waiting for Mom and she came home at 4.  Left for Queens.  Traffic.  Dinner.  Home, etc, etc.

Random time.

Someone took a pic of my license with their camera phone as I was driving.  Mom was like take note of when and where.  When...  Uh...  Where, off ramp of exit 19.  She thought it was for evidence like I hit them or something and I didn't know.  I just thought they were amused by it...  Who knows.

I almost hit a seagull.  It almost slammed into my window, but I broke and it flew up.  I'm more afraid that it would break my window vs actually killing it.

Oh yeah, so we come home.  Windows open, fan going.  Smoke coming in.  UGH!!!  Part of me is worried about Dad that he'll start smoking again cause everyone's smoking like a chimney around here these days.  Then they made a comment that NY sucks cause they can't smoke indoors.  Thank God!  Can we make a rule about smoking around here?  Or at least where I can smell it?  At a point, I thought it was in the house

ABoyz stuff...  I mean, I thought they weren't all Catholic, but I guess the fact they were all Altar Boyz for St. Bart’s, well, with the exception of Abraham...  Then, I've decided.  I'm gonna watch Altar Boyz again when they get a new Matt.  Not that he sucks or anything.  Just...  He's not the best.  I mean, I accept the fact that Abraham turned girly, but...  Matt doesn't have that great of a voice.  Unlike Tyler and Ryan, I don't envision Scott coming back considering he's got an NBC series in the fall.  Then it saddens me...  Altar Boyz will never be taped / televised.  I mean, it's off-Broadway.  Do I think it should go on Broadway?  In a sense, yes, then no...  I mean, it won best musical for the...  Outer critics?  What's like the highest award for Off-Broadway?


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