Yeah, I really shouldn't write unless I really should...

Jun 30, 2006 01:55

I'm back in my Cary Shields phase.  I need more!!!  ARG!!!

Uh...  Lecture from 1 to 3.  Cleaned my room.  I was gonna clean the bathroom, but Dad ended up doing it.  I just cleaned the Kitty litter.

I posted that pic of Snuggles in LJ / xanga / myspace / friendster.  Comments...
  • Dion - Happy birthday snuggles!!! You are so mean to me.... you wont even let me go close to you.... I always think I might die by your paws... I dont even know why im wishing you a happy birthday because I know you hate me.... but.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!
  • Kitty - Damn youre an old pussy! happy b-day snuggles. You crazy vicious bitch. i still love you. hope you have many more. muah
  • Kitty - i remined everyone about your 84 y.o. pussy! Today is a special day for your pussy :-p
  • Kitty, in Roscel's profile - Lizzie's pussy is 84 yrs.old! Damn!!
  • My response - In response to Kitty's comment...  Damn right! Show my pussy some lovin'!  I suddenly feel so dirty...
  • Kitty in Alb's - Did you wish Lizzie's pussy a happy b-day?
  • My response - In response to Kitty's comment...  Albert doesn't like pussy...  Why would he go and do something like that?  He couldn't handle her anyway.  He's to scurred...  I almost wrote something way dirtier...  EW!!!

    Moving on...  You tube.  Zach Hanna, the new Mark.  Pics...  Looks too straight.  Hearing him.
  • Epiphany Part 1
  • Epiphany Part 2

    Too straight...  I mean, I haven't seen it, but isn't the point of his character to be ambiguously gay.

    Speaking of ambiguous...  Can one be ambiguously straight?  I think I remember Cary Shields saying that in an interview for Taboo when he was playing Boy George's ambiguously straight lover.

    I just posted this bulletin on MySpace...

    Call this number!  Don't worry, it's toll free!
    My faves are then to dial 7 and 9.  Hehe!

    It's been the same today, but the proverb of the day...

    Remember, your body is like a temple, so treat it so.
    Have the custodian lock it up at night so no one walks in and sleeps in it.

    So true...

    Downloaded the entire series of Tintin.  Refound this "article" in a different and original (?) format.  So funny!

    Whilst cleaning TC's room / exercising.  I was watching 21 Jump Street, an ep where this kid is locked up in drug rehab.  Forced to take tranquilizers, later said to be diazepam.  Who treats drug addiction with diazepam?  I mean, as a first line DOC?  Mostly for like alcohol chlordiazepoxide (Librium).  I mean, they're both long acting benzos...  If not that, then I've seen lorazepam / Ativan being used.  Then I think he was in for like IV drugs or something.  Heroin?

    Q book...  Question on septic arthritis.  Most appropriate next step?  I choose NSAIDs and empirically treat.  I then thought you can do the other stuff, like culture, imagining, etc.  Wrong...  Says to aspirate / culture then treat.  I mean, sure it's septic arthritis, he's not gonna die, at least immediately...  But the answer even states S. aureus is probably the most likely agent, so can't you treat it before the culture and if anything change the Abx?  Maybe I'm thinking real life and not boards...  Then, if you already know the most common causative agent, why even be invasive and culture?  Why don't you use Abx and see if there's improvement.  Like I said, he's not gonna die...

    So I was thinking...  I'm assuming Candida is more likely to present when you're immunocompromized vs various herpetic lesions.  So...  Not that I want Candida...  Why am I getting herpes!?!

    Good God!  Did I write I have a freaking allergy to leather!  Freaking watch band caused contact dermatitis!
  • video, being a dork

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