I hate everyone! (Again...)

May 23, 2006 02:00

I thought I deserve a break considering I read 24 pages of crush the boards and feel like I actually learned something today.  I gave myself a goal of reading 13 to 15 pages a day, granted I'm behind.  But I'm catching up.  Unfortunately, with that minimum of reading I had hoped to do some Qs too.  Haven't done that.  Tsk tsk me.

Listend to Bei Mir Bist du Schön, which was in Swing Kids.  The song reminds me of Grandma.  Flashback to the days when I was obsessed with Swing Kids and I'd watch it every day...  Well there came a point I only watched the dancing scenes...  Anyway, in the car one day with Grandma, waiting for my Mom somewhere.  I had the...  I guess it was a tape back then, in the car.  Grandma starts singing along with the song.  That turned into how she knows the song, did she know how to dance the jitter bug.  No...  *sigh*  I wish I could have asked her so many more questions...  All I remember now, was when I asked her how she met grandpa.  All I remember her saying was he was a nice man.  Other than early memories, all I have is memories of her in the hospital and her crazy stories of walking down the hall punching people.  Lol.


So I read / saw somewhere.  I don't remember these days...  Saying it would make more sense is Jesus were married cause Jewish law at the time forbid celibacy, etc, etc.  Yeah...  Jesus was a great follower of Jewish law considering he healed on the Sabbath.  Haha...  I may possibly be twisting the facts.  Anyway...

I watched POTO again for the first time in a long time.  I went to look something up at some point.  I don't even remember what / what the link is.  Raoul bashing galore.  To the point where it was pissing me off.  Looked back on a few of my old POTO entries.  Convo with Elaine.  Let me copy and paste *my* synopsis of the true story.

Ok, back story...  Christine and her father move from Sweden to Paris.  The father doesn't like Paris so he locks him and Christine up in his room and play music all day.  One day they decide to take a trip to the sea side.  She loses her scarf, Raoul rescues it from the ocean.  They continue to see each other while on vacation, father plays music, teaches music and they tell stories, one being about the angel of music.  Father dies, a step mother person cares for her.  She joins the opera, etc, etc...  Musical somewhat the same for the most part, well with the exception that the Phantom is actually appealing...  Lol.  Anyway, so Raoul sees her perform.  She sucks...  Then for some reason at some performance she's wonderful and sings like she did as a child...  He goes running to her dressing room, etc, etc...  She's like avoiding him, pretending she doesn’t remember him cause surprise surprise...  POTO is listening.  Eventually she ends up missing, comes back, etc, etc.  Raoul chats with her.  Says he's stinky and scary, yet he makes her voice, blah blah blah...  They decide to have a secret engagement only cause POTO allows it.  He wants Raoul to be as happy as he is...  That was rather nice...  At the end of a month she was told she had to go so no more running around being engaged to Raoul.  So when the end approaches she's scared and doesn't want to be trapped underground, etc, etc.  So she and Raoul plan to run away together.  But makes him vow, even when she says she will stay with POTO, make sure she doesn't...  So the night they plan to run away together she's kidnapped off the stage.  Chaos...  Raoul runs all over the place trying to find out where she is.  He meets up with this Persian dude who leads him to POTO's house but they end up in a torture chamber...  They are almost roasted alive / almost kill them selves via the Punjab lasso to get out of the heat.  Eventually they find a trap door, leads to a room full of barrels.  No way out that way, so back up.  They can hear Christine.  POTO is crying...  What a wimp!  Basically Christine has to choose between a scorpion or a grasshopper.  The scorpion, when turned will flood the cellars and...  The grass hopper will hop...  and blow the place up.  The barrels were full of gun powder.  Dunno if POTO is trying to trick them saying the scorpion will actually blow them up or the grasshopper...  POTO will either play a wedding chorale of a requiem...  So Raoul gets down on his knees and Christine decides to go for the scorpion.  So the barrels are flooded...  The torture chamber starts filling up...  Cut to later.  Christine is a cold dead fish, Raoul and the Persian are asleep and finally getting up.  POTO is all giddy prepping for the wedding...  The Persian and POTO are friends so he lets him go and props him up on his doorstep.  He then ties Raoul and leaves him in some place to rot!  So when he comes back after that...  He looks at Christine, he kisses her.  It's the first time he's seen her alive and crap...  So he decides to let her go and Raoul as well.  He makes her vow, the wedding ring he gave her, that when he dies, she come back, place it on his finger and bury him.  Then they go into this whole thing how the place was drained, no house was found, but a body where he wanted to be buried with a wedding ring, etc, etc.  Raoul and Christine are hiding in the boondocks somewhere.  I think that's the gist of it...

Lol.  In that synopsis, I didn't include the fact that when Raoul was in the torture chamber and hears Christine, she says her head is bleeding.  He's like why.  Cause I was bashing it against the wall.  She then says to prevent her from killing herself, POTO tied her to a chair.  Ah...  Love.  *sigh*  I love that book.  Anyway, yeah, that message board was pissing me off, calling Raoul a brat / fop and POTO is so much better for her.  Seriously!  I'm not even saying Raoul is the best choice, but why don't people see POTO is a crazy maniac???

Found out they had new features to xanga I've never seen before...  More profile stuff, networks, friends.  I don't know what the significance / benefit of it all is yet...  Anyway, I noticed my Google ads banner on top.  Did a little research.  Via your blog content it customized the ads for you.  I guess I write about Catholicism and Broadway a lot...  Anyway, I get:

"Accused Catholic Priests.  List of those accused of sex abuse also secret Church documents."

With my current mood...  That pissed me off, so I sent of a nasty, well not really, email to Google.  I was on the verge of never using Google again and not using my gmail account...  But then it's only for my junk mail news subscriptions etc...  And the hastle of canceling that and changing emails...  EVIL!!!  Lol.  And being my contradictory self, I check out the link.  And actually look up the priest in my diocese.  No one looked familiar, by face of name.  But one priest actually was at my grade school when I was there.

More on the lack of TV...  A&E this time.  Had something on the church.  From the part I saw, I didn't even hear anything about Dan Brown, etc, but I immediately got defensive and expected something that would piss me off to be said.  It took a while for them to mention the Da Vinci code, but it was mentioned.  A lot of the Vatican is hiding something.  :: Rolls eyes ::

Re: previous complaints of dry eyes.  Tita Evelyn mentioned she has constant dry eyes too.  I was like I saw this commercial.  I don't remember it's name.  She's like I want some.  Saw it again today.  Restasis.  Cyclosporine.  OMG!!!  I don't want to put cyclosporine in my eye!  First of all it's like immunosuppressant and I don't think my eye dryness has anything to do with that.  Other uses, not that exact solution...  Transplant rejection prophylaxis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis.  That's all I have on epocrates.  That's my problem with drug commercials.  You see a commercial, you have the symptoms, you want it.  Go to your doc.  But they don't know the actual use of these drugs.  But then again...  I guess there are different doses for eyes vs transplant prophylaxis...  Haha...  I'm saying commercials are bad at the same time I have my own adgenda.  Like I said I'm contradictory.

poto, broadway

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