I hate everyone!

May 22, 2006 01:21

OMG!  It's pissing me off!!!  I can't watch something on Jesus, the Vatican or art without them bringing up the Da Vinci code.  So I tune out.  But seriously...  I can't watch anything on the freaking discovery / history channel that is actually factual.  What the hell!?!  So I thought...  I guess I'll have to watch animal planet.  What is this crap about dragon eggs.  Oh...  But they do back it up with alligators do so and so with their eggs...  So I'm watching this one show on The Holy Babies, by "Leonardo Da Vinci" or something.  That it has some sort of Gnostic feel to it cause there are 2 babies kissing...  A conspiracy theorist would say it's Jesus's human and a separate divine self...  Come on!  I mean, I'm not an art scholar.  I haven't even heard of the freaking painting!  It's freaking obvious the other baby is John the Baptist.  Hm...  Maybe Dan Brown has this thing against Johns.  Lol.  Anyway, I can't wait till all this hype dies down so I can finally watch some history and fact on the learning channels...  Hm...  What is on The Learning Channel?  Oh Overhaul.  Yeah, I guess I’ll have to kill my brain cells and watch E!

Yeah...  As you can probably tell I haven't read the Da Vinci code and I don't think I'll be seeing it either.

By being pissed off...  I'm not even saying I disagree with the Da Vinci code.  I know it's fiction, etc.  Just...  I have no interest in the Da Vinci code, why would I want to watch something on it?  Then the fact it's fact aren't fact.  But then...  maybe some aspect of it is.  But I don't know that.  Does that make me ignorant.  Maybe.

Saturday.  The infamous APPNY (Association of Philippine Physicians in NY) party.  First of all I hate formal parties, whether they are APPNY or not.  So I wasn't looking forward to it.  Neither was Jennie.  She wanted to spend the entire night in the bar.  So supposedly, everyone but me knew I was gonna get a scholarship.  Yeah, I admit I had no clue when I got there.  But then I was getting congratulated by people.  Why?  I mean, it's not like I accomplished anything since I saw these people last.  Then, Tita Fely went up to Jennie asking her to write down the schools she went to, etc.  I'm like, my Mom wanted me to send my resume, sorry CV, to APPNY.  Jennie mentioned that she was getting an award.  I was like I better not get one.  OMG!  Then after Jennie gets hers I'm looking across to Mom.  I better not be getting one.  She's like no.  OMG.  Then they were like SB, etc, etc.  I HATE YOU!  I HATE YOU!  I HATE YOU!!!  You're all out of the will!  No share of my 500 bucks!  You bastards!

Anyway, other than that, night was typical formal party.  Dinner and dance.

Lol.  Jennie and Aures are now best of friends.  She's like the long lost sister of durlxnemesis.  Lol.  I was like when Jennie got her thing, why is it my cousins are going up their taking pics of her while I'm just sitting there.  Jennie even made a comment why is it my family is taking pics of me, while her parents are just sitting there continuing to eat?  I did think for a second I should step in to take pics.  But had I...  Lol.  Then Alb got screamed at for distracting me at some point, like I wouldn't hear my name being called.  Seriously, stop that.  This isn't the first time it's happened.  So pretty much every time they give awards out I'm paranoid.  It occurs mostly during Christmas when I'm paid for my APPNY services.

While me and Jennie were standing up there taking pics and fake smiling...  We’re so bad!  First of all Jennie is freaking loud.  All we wanted to do was sit down.  But we were making comments here and there.  At one point I was hiding my laughter behind my envelope.  I don't even remember why...  But what the hell was this?  Family night.  I mean, me and Jennie get something.  Mom gets thanked for being secretary.  Nepotism...  Lol.  I asked if Jennie was gonna get the same honor at the PMAA function.  She didn't think so, cause it wouldn't look good with the award coming from her mother, even if she is president.  Oh yeah!  Now I remember why I was laughing.  So this guy, white guy in a sea of Filipinos...  He was like a rep from Johnson and Johnson...  Anyway, I guess they ran out of flowers so they awarded him with a center piece.  LOL!

Hahaha...  Maybe that's why people were running off to nowhere to be seen and I wasn't being invited.  You bastards!
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