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May 23, 2006 10:49

I don't know why I'm awake now (8AMish), considering I went to sleep at 4.  I think I finished studying around 12.  Don't know what the hell I did on the net.  Wrote prev entry.  But to take like 4 hours?  Anyway, at some point, I wanted to read POTO again, but all I can find is the version with the musical logo and the Bantam edition.  I want to read the completely unabridged, annotated version, which will probably piss me off...  I really want to know what Leroux though about Raoul.  I mean, if he was a total FOP and he actually messed up on his character, why include him at all?  Sure you need a romantic "protagonist," but...  I don't know.

Also, I thought I'd go out today, like really out.  Go to the bank.  Best Buy, Borders in SB.  But then...  I mean, I don't need to spend my 10% off everything coupon do I.  I mean, I get coupons for 25% off an individual item, granted it expires in like a week...  But I don't want to watch the various PBS house things now.  Why buy them all now, when I can buy them later?  Then, the whole...  I shouldn't go out.  I need to study.  But then.  I kinda want to buy The Chipmunk Adventure and watch it now.  Does Best Buy even have it?  I doubt it...  Surprise surprise, it's not there.  Closest is Commack.  Is that a borders near by?  I don't even really know how to get there, besides going down Jericho...  NSP?  Then there's a whole fork in the road, where I keep taking the wrong one...

Oh yeah, while I was looking for my POTO book, I accidentally touched the furby...  My Gizmo furby.  I could have sworn I had turned it off somehow.  But no...  It just didn't make noise cause I didn't touch it.  Now it's sitting on the couch, under my pajama pants so it would shut up.

Mall on Sunday.  Hm...  Is that Alessandro?  Lol.  In the Banana Republic ad campaign?  Lol.  Does that make him a Banana Republican?  Anyway, I had the urge to take pics of the pics, but thought it was too weird.  Had I been with sparkyboy I probably would, in addition to fondling the windows...  Anyway, I can't seem to find anything on the internet.  No mention of him and BR, no pics, etc, etc.  :(  Upset there isn't like a comprehensive fan page for him.


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