All About Eve(ah)

Dec 09, 2005 20:27

It's been we hate Eva week!  Yeah!  Which kinda stems from we hate the people who dump on us...  Namely to me...  Sunil, Eric and Brenda.  When 1 is out, the rest are.  It's a conspiracy I tell you...  People not showing up for the day.  People not having a patient when they do.  People showing up for the night portion of there 24 hour on call...  While there are like 5 of us who are there day in and day out, well minus the days we are post call.  Today we had...  6?  About the most we've had.  And that's only after Pam, who was on call showed up around lunch.

Anyway, where Eva fits in...  So Pam, her friend...  Is away.  So everyday she's got to ask someone...  Will you be my walk about buddy?  Of course...  I'm too "nice" to not say no.  So, like I've said before it annoys me.  At one point during breakfast, we're dilly dallying with the patient list.  She gets mad and storms off already having her pts.  So her leaving basically turns into how we all hate her...  Angelo was surprised I find her annoying as hell.  Later Ploy tells me the same.  Lol.  And Angelo thought it was only him...  She knows Eric hates her...  And for some reason, she gets the vibe from Brenda.  Which I completely don't understand.  Anyway, Angelo thinks she's controlling.  Oh yeah...  So that day, before breakfast, we're at my patient's bedside.  We have to remove an NG tube.  I was all for taking it out, but Angelo and Eva kinda stepped in...  Anyway, so they're doing it.  Eva is being really slow.  From what I've seen, rip it out, less discomfort.  Makartchuck motions to yank it out, so Angelo does it.  OMG!  Eva was like ANGELO!  I mean, yeah, bilious fluid got all over her and her bed...  She was like you have to do it this way!  She's like now we have to change her.  It was pretty much the 3 or us in her little section, rest were in the hall / making their way through...  I mean, I feel bad for leaving Angelo there.  But her screaming...  I ain't gonna help her.  Later she's like it was your patient.  She said it jokingly, but I know she wasn't happy about it.  Yeah, I dumped on her.  And I don't care.  Then later, I ask her to help me DC staples off of this woman.  She shows me.  She then leaves me to do the rest.  I mean, I don't mind.  But had she asked me for help, she'd expect me to be there tagging along with her.  If I dare to leave...  Don't leave me!  :: rolling eyes ::  Then for some reason she's like kissing up to the residents, scrubbing in for every case.  She's like telling me to scrub in with her.  I mean, I would scrub in...  Just once again, not cause she wants me too.  How are you gonna pass???  Seriously, I would scrub in more, but it seems like FU patients is more imp.  But then at the same time they say 1st priority is to scrub in cause it will be the only experience you have.  Then they scream at you for not checking on your patient.

Lol.  So Monday.  Had clinic.  Sign out after.  One patient.  When we did a mid point sign off session...  Basically everything was still pending.  Didn't get to check up afterward.  Didn't know if she got out of bed, if she ate...  Adams is like you have to check...  Later I mention to Ploy...  I told you I didn't know my patient.  She like laughing...  Basically the rumor at Kings County was...  All the attendings would scream at me and I'd be like...  Okay.  I wouldn't care.  Exactly.  I wonder who she heard that from?  I guess Mark...  God...  Maybe even Dr. Reese.

Also heard from Ploy.  They're not having a Jan group.  The last 3 groups have been horrible.  So they're gonna...  Do something with the program.

Back to Eva.  So everyone keeps asking me where my walking buddy is.  I have no clue...  I guess she got the picture.  Today she seemed to isolate herself from the group.  She was in the OR / hanging out with Nord.  Then she went to pop her stuff in Michelle's room.  She was going off on how she hates Brenda, but Michelle knows for a fact that she's on interviews.  But it's true...  No one had more than 10 interviews and they have been absent more than they've been here.

Then this AM...  So I go to get coffee...  I see Ploy cracking up.  I turn around.  She's with Brenda.  She's like Elizabeth cracks me up.  I was like why???  She never said.  Later she tells me.  Basically Brenda approaches her with a key and the beeper.  Can you give this to Eva?  Ploy was like she gets on my nerves I don't want to do it.  Hm...  Give it to Elizabeth.  She's too easy going...  I mean, I kinda take offense to that.  But at the same time...  I don't care.  So Brenda approaches me.  Can you give this to Pam when she gets in.  And give the beeper to whoever is on call.  Whose on call???  She claims to not know.  So she leave cause it's snowing, etc, etc.  We still have a presentation, so we all go to the mediation room.  Waiting for it to open up.  Eva asks Ploy where Brenda is...  She took the beeper.  Ploy was like I have the beeper, etc, etc.  I give her the key as well.  Anyway, I mean, it's bordering on idiotic...  I mean, even when you don't like someone, it's giving someone a freaking beeper, not having lunch with them.  I mean, even me.  She annoys the hell out of me, but I'm still able to be with her.  If I need help, I have no prob asking her.  We're freaking professionals here.

Eva is then mad that Brenda is trying to steal me.  She asked me my opinion of her.  I mean...  Besides the fact that she's never there.  I don't mind her.  Yeah it annoys me she has like 0 patients when she's here as well.  But she seems pretty nice.  Like I wouldn't mind hanging with her.  Same with Sunil and Eric.  I mean, they always tag a long together.  Occasionally I do as well.  Then...  Like with Obi...  I didn't like him so much, don't really like being on call with him, but I have no prob tagging along with him as well.

Ploy...  I wonder if anyone is annoyed with her.  Her laugh.  Her gushing about her boyfriend.  Honestly...  I love her.  (In totally a nonsexual way.)  We've been hating Eva together.  Today with the beeper.  Monday with the fact she was a kiss up.  We were sitting in the mediation room sharing a bagel, talking about Mark.  My connections...  She wants to talk to Mom and Aunt Elaine cause of their peds connections.  She wants to go into developmental peds, which I just discovered Mom had her residency in last night...  So I name drop.  She's like ooh.  I almost even mention how I attempted to help Mark's bro out.  But...  I don't know.  I just don't want to make that fact known.  Lunch...  Actually in the med room as well...  I told her to tell Mark mahal kita.  Back in the day, I would think it's from me.  Now...  She was saying they're talking about their future and it can withstand the distance.  He's in Chicago now.  How they're gonna do their residency together in Syracuse then move out to CA to practice.  What she's getting him for Christmas, etc, etc.  Oh God!  I hope Ploy doesn't say she learned Mahal kita from me!  He may take it the wrong way and be extra weirded out.  Anyway, I had to double check with Angelo.  Ploy laughed.  It's not like I have anyone to say it to...

Random notes...

Project Runway is back on.  The first guy who got the boot from last season is back.  He's made it past the 1st.  They seem to like him.  He's way more tolerable.  Lol.  He even realized he's got to shut up about the Bliss.  Ooh...  Maybe I should watch the 1st ep.  Then shocker...  He's the only straight male designer.  No way!  Lol.

I want a wireless keyboard for my palm pilot.  It will be like having a laptop again.  I mean, it does hold freaking 4 GBs.  Well actually that's like nothing these days.  But at least if I'm lazy I can write my journal from my bed / in my car when I'm on call.  But then again it would make surfing the web somewhat easier in my bed as well, keeping me up for hours.

Dr. Nord was saying he makes minimum wage.  What is minimum wage???  6.75 in NY.  So according to that...  80hour work week...  27K.  He actually said he gets paid 42.  Interns 25K.  So they are making minimum wage.  God...  I don't even think it's an 80 hour work week.  I mean, like in Kings County we were like Q4.  84 hours.  But in reality we were there from like...  6:30 to...  8 at times.  Then when we were on call...  6:30 to like 8 the next day.  And we don't get paid.  Yeah, so long story short...  Medicine isn't all about the money.

classmates, mark

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