What the LJ Cut says...

Dec 11, 2005 17:52

What is your full name? You can make it up if you want, I won’t know the difference: Elizabeth Rose C. M.
Tell me about your family if you want to. If you’re too lazy, that’s okay, I don’t really care: I have 1 sister. Lives in DC. Works in the Capital Building as... Assitant Registrar? Works with the art work there. Mom. 63. Pediatrician, working with Mentally Retarded people in state run homes. Dad. 65. Retired Chemical Engineer. Tons of cousins... Aunts and Uncles...
When’s your birthday? August 23, 1979
What day do you wish was your birthday? Mine is fine
So how old are you? 26
Do you like being that age? Eh...
If not, what age would you rather be; if yes, then why? I guess it's fine...
What’s your school like? It sucks
Do you even like your school? No
Do you have a job or are you too lazy like me? I guess it's a job, but I don't get paid.
If yes, tell me about your job; if no, why not? I'm a medical student. I do scut work for the residents and interns... I do the same thing basically, but write persciptions / make decisions.
Describe to me your personality:Weird
What do you do when you’re bored? This... Clean my room.
Well what do you do when the electricity goes out and you can’t rely on electronics to keep you occupied? That's what batteries are for... In Dominica, I just continued to do what I was doing. Mostly study, via candle light. I still listened to my CD player, etc, etc.
Are you into sports, more of the "fine arts," or a mix of both? Not very sporty, but I play occasinally. Like the arts, but not creative.
Are you a people person? Hell no
What do you want to be when you grow up? I don't know...
What is, in your opinion, the easiest job in the world? Working in a tollboth <-- Yeah what moodysweetie said
Are you responsible? I guess...

Which is better (or more tolerable) . . . Explain yourself
Cats or dogs as pets? Cats - They're independant.
Digital watch or regular? Digital, cause I'm a retard...
Pepsi or Coke (sorry, I know that’s a big repeat, but it has to be asked)? Coke. Pepsi tastes too syrupy and flat to me.
Hot tub or sauna? Nevert ried a sauna, so I couldn't really say...
Freshly caught fish or cheapy frozen fish sticks? I'm not a big fan of fish, but I guess sticks cause they are deboned...
Boring teacher or mean teacher? Mean, at least it makes for an amusing class.
Gum stuck in your hair or curling brush stuck in your hair? I've had a brush stuck in my hair and had to undergo the chop... So gum.
Paper cut on your tongue or dirt in your eyes? Paper cut. Stuff in your eyes... Tears... Snot...
Carpet or hardwood floors? Carpet on floor... Cuase it looks nice and it's warm
Candles or room spray? I'm a pyro
Smoothie or milkshake?Smootie... I have occasional lactose intollerance
Block scheduling or eight periods a day (for school)? I don't know the difference...
Monopoly or Candy Land? Monopoly. I've never played candyland.
Crying by yourself or having someone to cry with you? I don't like people to know I've cried.
Baby screaming or fingernails scratching chalkboard? Fingernails on a chalk board make me laugh.
Chicken or beef? Beef
Talking on the phone or instant messaging? IM.
Mini blinds or shades/curtains? Curtains
The Lion King or The Little Mermaid? The little mermaid. I was never a fan of the lion king
Watching the rain or being in the rain? Watching
Soft pillow or firm pillow? I could lay my head on a piece of lead...

Whoo, whoo, all about LOVE and Relationships
Okay, first obvious question, are you single or taken? Single
If taken, take a moment to brag all about your significant other; if single, If single what?
What do you look for in a relationship? I don't know...
As far as looks go for the opposite sex, what makes you want to look twice (in a good way, lol) In other words, what’s your type, physically? Sick and stickly, geeky, not too big / muscular. Usually go for dark features.
Of all the people you’ve dated, who was the one you fell for the hardest? N/A
Of all the people you’ve dated, who was the one that you definitely could’ve done without? N/A
What was the longest relationship you’ve been in, or what was the longest time you had a crush on someone? 6 years
Tell me about your first kiss. If you’ve never been kissed, tell me what you want your first kiss to be like: Lets not try to hype things up or I'll be sorely disappointed...
Are you all for or against public displays of affection? Nothing too over the top.
Which is most important to you in a relationship - faithfulness, compatibility, or excitement? Faithfulness?
If you really like someone, are you more likely to eventually ask them out or forever hold your peace? The latter...
What’s the best place for a first date? Um....I dunno <-- yup
Would you prefer more romance or fun in a relationship? Fun
Have you ever told someone you loved them? yes
If yes, did you mean it; if no, did you ever want to tell someone you loved them but didn’t? I mean, I liked him... But I wasn't serious.
Has someone ever told you that they loved you? Same sit as above...
If yes, what was your initial reaction and did you say it back? I hesitated... What to say... So I said it back...
Does "true love wait"? (What is your opinion on premarital sex?) Sure. But then at the same time I don't want to rush into marriage just to have sex...
Have you ever been asked out and had to turn them down? Yes. I mean, he freaking worked in McDonald's...
If yes, what did you say; if no, have you yourself ever been turned down? I said I'm leaving for Dominica and won't be back for 4 months...
Do believe that there’s that perfect someone out there for you? I wish it were that simple.
Ever had your heart broken? Sure
Ever broken someone else’s? I don't think so.
Would you rather date a bunch of people all throughout high school and settle down when you get older or meet "the one" while you’re still young? (hey, that rhymed): Whatever happens happens <-- yup
What do like most about the opposite sex? That they're the opposite sex lol <-- Lol. Good answer! Good answer!
What do you dislike most about the opposite sex? They're all about the sex...
Would you rather have to break up with someone or be broken up with? Don't know...
Is a serious commitment in a high school relationship a bad idea? Dunno...
Have I asked enough questions on this subject? Yup
If yes, scroll down to the next section; if no, say whatever you want to say about love in general that I didn’t ask you:

Friends . . .
Well, instead of having a big retarded section asking you which of your friends is the cutest, funniest, nicest, blah blah blah, I want you to tell me all about the friends that you feel like telling me about.
Who was your elementary best friend? Zarai or Melissa...
Would you rather have a few really close friends or a big group of casual acquaintance type friends? Few close

I’m just curious . . .
Do you find blonde jokes offensive, hilarious, or just stupid? funny
What do you like to watch on tv, if you watch tv? I usually watch reality stuff of sci fi stuff, but I wouldn't consider my self to be a fan of either genre. Oh and Monk.
Do you have any plants in your house? yup
Ever had a pet fish? Have one currently
Were you a cute little kid or an annoying little kid? Both... Depending on who you ask.
Are marshmallows good anytime or strictly a campfire treat? Anytime, thought I'm not a huge fan. Great in cocoa.
How many magazines are you subscribed to? 1
When is the last time you went to the dentist? More than a year.
Did you have any cavities? Hell yeah
Do you have a song stuck in your head right now? If so, what song is it?I'm currently listening to "Out of Fashion" from Taboo
What is your favorite variety of microwave popcorn? Flavor and brand: As long as it's got butter...
What is your favorite variety and color of MM’s? As long as it's not blue...
In your opinion, what’s the best type of dessert and why? Depends on mood. I'm always up for ice cream.
While we’re on the subject, what’s your favorite food? Italian.
Are you allergic to any foods? don't think so
What’s your favorite comic strip? Garfield
Is the squeeze out of a bottle jelly an amazing development or a waste of time? Not a fan of jelly... Polaner's all fruit on the other hand... Lol.
What’s your favorite Jelly Belly flavor? If you’ve never had Jelly Belly jelly beans, you’re very deprived. They have 50 flavors Pear
Do you believe in God? Yes
If no, tell me why; if yes, tell me why: Cause it was drilled into my head as a child and if I stop believing I'll become a worthless heathen! I certainly don't want to go through all my life living in sin, then finding out when I die, God does exist and go to hell. Lol.
Did you know that Jesus loves you? I love that guy!

The Future . . . (dramatic "oohs" and "ahhs")
Do you have it all planned out or are you just going to take life in stride as it comes? take it as it comes
When do you get out of school? Around 4...
Excited? For the furture? Not really. I mean, with that pesky nuclear holocaust we have to look forward to.
What are you going to do this summer? Work? Take time off for step 2?
Are you going to move away as soon as you’re out of school or stay where you are? Where am I living now?
Do you plan on getting married, provided that you meet the right person? yes
If so, do you want kids? If yes, how many? 4?

Tearful Goodbye . . . (sniff sniff)
What more important, more practical thing could you have done instead of filling out this survey? Clean my room. Study...
About how long did it take you? Dunno...
Was it worth it? Not really
So hey, how well do you know me, if at all? Are we talking about Elaine or the survey maker? Elaine... I know her enough...
If you do know me, what do you think of me? Crazy / fun girl
What are you going to do now that it’s over? Check on my laundry, finish up my LJ entry. Pop on some gloves...
I guess it isn’t over yet, is it? Apparently not <-- yeah...
I’m still typing . . .
Okay, now it’s over.

I AM: bored
I WANT: to do something, but I don't know what... So I'm doing this
I WISH : I knew, I wish I knew...
I HATE: you
I MISS: Grandma
I FEAR: nothing really...
I HEAR: Cary Shields
I WONDER: I wonder... I wonder why each little bird has a someone...
I REGRET: starting this
I AM NOT: an animal!
I DANCE: in the shower
I SING: in the shower, when no one is looking. All the freaking time...
I CRY: a lot in my dreams
I AM NOT ALWAYS: quiet... Ok, maybe I am.
I WRITE: cause I have to...
I CONFUSE: the hell out of everyone.
I NEED: a cookie
I SHOULD: pop that sticker on my car window
-Father thinks : Uh... I have no clue. Money and food make me happy.
-Mother thinks: I should study more.
-Things I get compliments about: that I'm so nice, my hair
-I get embarrassed when: People talk about my hair, my weight, etc, etc. Me in general.

COLOR: Blues
DAY: Saturday?
MONTH: August
SONG: Currently various Cary Shields songs
FOOD: italian
SEASON: spring
DRINK: kool aid

HELPED SOMEONE? I don't think so.
BOUGHT SOMETHING? An Agatha Christie Computer game, a soda (Fanta) and 2 CDs. Jesus Christ Superstar, 20th Anniversary Cast and Altar Boyz, my new favorite boy band. Lol.
GOTTEN SICK? I've got a headache...
GONE TO THE MOVIES? Yes actually. The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch And the Wardrobe
GONE OUT FOR DINNER? Lunch. Sabarros

Would You Ever..
Eat a bug? I probably have
bungee jump? maybe
Have sex with someone of the same sex? nope
Walk on hot coals? maybe
Go out with someone for their looks? sure
Be a vegetarian? nope
Wear plaid with stripes? I probably have
Sing karaoke? hell yeah
Shoplift? nope
Run a red light? I do... Just cause I'm a bad judge of distance, especially at night.
Star in a porn video? nope
Dye your hair blue? no. Just cause I have a fear of hair dye in general
Be on Survivor? hell no. Mainly cause I've done that in dominica and the idea of me in a stinky bikini...
Wear makeup in public? i guess
Make someone cry? Done that
Date someone more than ten years older than you? depends
Be up all night? Done that
Drink straight espresso? ew...

Have you ever?
Kissed someone of the same sex? no
Would you do it again n/a
Made out with a stranger? nope
Didn't remember the night before? sure
Had a crush on an older man/woman? yes
Snuck into a place you weren't allowed? no
Snuck out of the house? no
Used a pick up line? No
Did it work? n/a
Driven drunk? No
stoned? no

1. What is your middle name? Rose

2. Last person you kissed? Various people in my fam.

3. What are you listening to right now? Glory, by Cary Shields

4. What are you eating right now? I have the urge to get Ice Cream

5. What are you drinking right now? Nothing

6. Last person you hugged? Albert

7. How is the weather right now? Cold there were flurries.

8. Last person you talked to on the phone? Mom

9. The first thing(s) you notice about the opposite sex? I don't know...

10. Favorite type of Food? Italian

11. Do you drink? No

12. Do you smoke? No.

13. Ever get so drunk you dont remember what you did? No

14. Hair color? Black

15. Eye color? Brown

16. Do you wear contacts? Nope

17. Favorite Holiday? Christmas

19. Have you ever cried for no reason? No.

20. Last Movie you Watched? Narnia

29. What books are you reading? The Chronicles of Narnia: A Horse and his Boy

30. Piercings? Ears

31. Favorite movie? I h avne't seen a movie tons of times in a long time. So I couldn't say...

32. Favorite basketball Team? I don't follow. I could care less if the knicks win or lose/

33.What were you doing before filling this out? Wrapping Christmas Presents

34. Any pets? 2 cats

35. AIM? Yes...

36. Butter, Plain or Salted popcorn? Salted butter

37. Dogs or cats? Cats

38. Favorite Flower? Rose

39.Have you ever been caught doing something you werent supposed to? No?

40. how big is your dick? It's in negative numbers.

41.Do you love someone? no

42. Who would you like to see right now? No preference

43. Have you ever been bummed? Of course

44. Have you ever fired a gun? Yes

45. Do you like to travel by plane? It's Ok.

46. Right-handed or Left-handed? Right

47. If you can be with someone right now, who would it be? Like I said, no preference

48. How many pillows do you sleep with? 1 regualr pillow, 2 body

49. Are you missing someone? Yes

50. Do you have a Tattoo? No

51. Do you still watch cartoons on saturday morning? No. Not cause I think it's immature or anything... I'm usually asleep / at the mall

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