
Aug 09, 2005 21:49

Time: 6:54 P.M. \ Mood:  annoyed. \ Song: Announcement.

School stuff.

I'm upset!  Some blood I took came back hemolyzed.  How the hell did that happen?  Seriously, what did I do?  I don't think it was the day I brought it down to the 3rd floor, back up to 5 then down to G...  Anyway, I'm upset.  Only needed it to assess liver function.

Lol.  Had discharge planning rounds yesterday.  Ms. Mitchell called my urinary retention guy, AKA the patient I had to masturbate daily, Stinky Penis Man.  OMG!  LOL!  His room smelt like piss and cabaggy poop 24/7!

There are at least 5 Morbidity and Mortalites.  10 in our group.  50/50 chance.  I'm so gonna get one.  Then the thing is 2 people are supposed to work on one.  That would give us all M&M's.

When writing my note on M&M's on my palm.  For some reason the % sign turned into Guido DiGregorio...  Say huh?

Current \ Mood:  scared. \ Song: Making Love Out Of Nothing At All. \ Book: Stafford Entrance Interview.

Once again...  Getting scared.  Dad's going to the Philippines Thursday.  I'll be post call.  He asked if I can drive from JFK...  Yes...  Well, that is assuming I get some sleep.  Anyway, Mom's gonna take some time off.  Then...  Like I said before I've got to make sure Dad's bills get payed.  2 weeks in advance...  It just hit me, how much Dad runs this household.  I always assumed it was Mom that ran the household.  Granted she makes more money, but in terms of financial stability.  Then Mom has that fear factor.  Well she used to...  I mean, Dad cleans...  Takes out the trash, gives me an allowance, etc, etc.  I envision the house being a total sty again, piles of newspapers, Mom's stuff sprawled out on the table.  Having no clue what to do with it all when I clean.  But then when will I have time to clean?  I don't...  You expect me to take out the trash and the newspapers, etc as well?  Grocery shopping is out of the question.  I mean, today I got out "early" and I still got home at 8.  Eat.  Plan to sleep at 10...  No time to do anything.  1 more month...  The idea Dad will be away for 6 months...  Part of me hopes things totally fall apart he'll have to come back.  But then part of me is scared...  He'll be in the Philippines, smoking...  I just have a feeling it will be deleterious for his health.  I mean, even retirement...  Retirement can kill if you're not active.  So in that sense, I'm scared as well.  I have to take the role of the Father figure.  I have to grow up.  Granted it's not my money that's paying the bills.  But still...  There's responsibility in it.  Hopefully I'm just over reacting.


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