Written on the train

Aug 08, 2005 20:55

Poor John...  Almost week six...  Dr. Reese called a Sr. meeting.  I thought it was on the new people.  Nope.  John.  He did seem concerned.  At least his first thought wasn't call into Mellish.  He wanted some Sr. intervention.  But as Ms. Njai (sp?) says we can't baby him and coach him on what to say / do his work.  In a sense, I think the best thing to do is bring him in again.  But I'm afraid that will mean he's out.  In a sense I feel I failed him.  Like in my case, people couldn't read up for me.  What saved me was having my own patient.  But he's had the same patient for forever.  He gets nervous.  They then began joking about him.  How Dr. Rahman wants all his pts on the 52 side, how one day he was banging his head against the wall, rolling his eye.  Got to admit...  Hilarious.  Part of me is scared.  Last on call when I'm a Super Senior...  Me and John and new people.  Granted they'll be 4 weeks in...  What if he's gone?  I can't handle being the lone Sr.  But even with him...  Then I was wondering if they had a meeting about me.  Also, do they feel I have improved.

In other news... Discharge planning rounds.  It so scares me to discharge my patient.  Having to start over...  I need to find some rich old dude.  Well not very old, maybe just some one who won't die on me.  That's why the idea of a nursing home appeals to me.

Then like I told Danielle...  I'm not having fun here.  Maybe it's cause the end is in view, but I'm liking it now, at least in retrospect.


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