Another post call entry.

Aug 11, 2005 17:39

One of my patients was to be discharged, but now she's waiting placement into a bariatrics facility.  When I was signing out to Catherine, I had to urge to call it a fat farm...  Aw...  I feel bad.  She started crying.  I said sorry to her family cause every time I'd go in there I'd have to say she's being discharged, but in the end she wasn't.  I didn't even want to go in afterward...

So last night I was the only girl on call.  They were talking guy stuff during dinner.  Lol.  I'm like if anyone needs a chaperon...  I guess no one did.  I mean, the first 3 patients were all women.  No one asked for me...

Then, I did get an M and M...  Working with Andrew.  Dunno how we're gonna do it.  I so would have gotten a lot of it done yesterday had freaking they found his records...  It seems pretty simple actually.  Dr. Reese wants us to focus on AIDS wasting and cachexia.  Lol.  When I went down to MR, this guy perked out from behind some shelves.  Was like excuse me...  I didn't think you'd be here so soon...  He comes out with a wife beater on.  Pops his shirt on that was at his desk.  Went in search of the chart.  Can't find it...

Then, I feel so bad...  There was this guy who was in till like 11 doing an admit that came at 3.  We had to draw blood from him.  His blood was so watery...  Like no cells.  Later we got a call saying his bicarb was 40...  Anyway, we had to pop in an NG tube.  Resistance.  Try other nostril.  He died.  I knew it cause he stopped fighting back.  Mr. Sowah was like "shit."  The family was there.  We had asked them to step out while we did these things.  I mean, he wasn't breathing, but I still felt a pulse.  We had a pulse ox on him.  Nothing.  The EKG machine was broken, we stole the ER one to call it.  While I was popping on the leads I almost started to cry.  But I was thinking I have to keep my composure, you have a job to do.  Remembering I had been by Grandma.  Being on the other side this time, identifying with the family...  The family saying their goodbyes.  Crying.  We had lifted his gown to get the leads on.  I covered him back up while we waited for a new machine.  Stepped out to let them cry.

Anyway...  I then had a transfer.  I was praying for one.  Actually it was John's but he gave it to me.  Thank you!  As in I didn't have to do any work really, just review his chart.  Which I did.  PA Sowah was pimping me on her.  Why did she go to the MICU?  DKA.  Secondary to?  Pneumonia.  Haha!  I'm the master.  He's supposed to write the transfer note and enter the meds.  I basically presented to him before hand, he was ignoring me, but basically all he ordered I have gotten from the notes for myself.  Insulin Glargine 30 units daily.  Azithromycin 500mg IVPB daily, Ceftriazone Ig IVPB daily.  Monitor FS...  I think that be it...

I was just thinking...  If that guy wasn't a DNR, I'd so have to be doing something...  Probably bag or something.  Who else was there?  Vivek.  When we were popping in the NG tube, I was squirting water in his mouth to make him swallow.

Then another patient.  Total denial.  Breast cancer that had eaten away at her breast.  Her lung and rib is visible.  Wants a full code.  If she does, we're not allowed to touch.  Call a PA, call the attending, wait for the Code team.  If we push on her chest her rib is so gonna break and stab us.  *sigh*

Then whenever they bring up Dr. Reese and how he's not so bad...  I bring up how he hates me.  They don't think so.  He jokes with me.  True...  But I still have some sort of fear for him.  John was like he's OK with him now.  As in Dr Reese toward him.  I think he's given up.  I just agreed cause I didn't want to say that.  Anyway, Dr. Reese was complaining about my wrinkled scrubs so I ironed them.  Then he thought my black clothes were scrubs...  Roman said I'm ready to be part of team DNR.  Apparently some on call team keeps getting codes / deaths on their shift.


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