New translation dropped!

Mar 11, 2023 21:34

Went to confession...  Where should I start?

They came, unlike last week.  I warned them that I was planning to go to confession in the PM.  So we had a quick lunch.  So quick we were back home by 2.  We could have stayed out another hour...  I also examined my conscience prior to them coming, so I could have strolled into confession just before 4.  Well...  I did have to add a few more sins.  We ended up eating at Chick-Fil-A.  I guess that is our "quick" pre confession lunch now.  Well...  Tito Abe recommended Shack Shack as well, but not my ideal choice.  Anyway, prior to leaving the house, I had a print out of the new Act of Contrition on the table so it prompted Tita Neng to say she went to confession this week and she and the priest were chatting.  She couldn't remember if she actually confessed, etc.  HAHAHAHA!!!

Watched a bit of TV.  Updated my list of sins.  Went up to pee a couple of times.  Oh yeah, started my laundry and was actually able to change a load before I left...  Come 3:40ish, I went up to say I was going to confession and I'd be back.

Arrived at church.  It felt a little late...  There were a lot of cars in the parking lot.  I then saw the stretch.  Wedding?  As before I waited in the gathering space and...  They were only up to the Lamb of God!  A bag piper then stepped out of the hospitality room...  I didn't want to be weird and ask for pictures, but I took one of him waiting by the door for Mass to end.  Oh so I kept peeking in.  I couldn't see for sure because of the frosted glass.  Is that Fr. Brucey Bruce?  I then heard a male voice singing, that wasn't the cantor...  Yeah, it had to be him.  Mass ended like at 4:07...  I then snuck into the church and started praying / prepped for confession.  And yes it was Fr. Bruce.  Aside from the cane and the limp he looked the same.  I then peeked into the new confessional.  Both sides are the same?  Or maybe one side the screen is always open?  I'm not sure...  But they both had kneelers and screens.  I'm not sure if it was wired for lights yet.  I then went to visit our candle.  There were 2 people sitting there.  I assumed they were waiting for confession, so I sat in a pew in the chapel area again.  Soon I see someone come from behind asking if it is over.  "I think so."  It was Fr. I.  He looks into the church proper.  He then says, "I assume you're here for confession."  "Yes."  He asked me where I wanted to go to confession.  Here, there?  I said wherever.  We ended up doing it in the pew.  I stumbled over my words.  Both in my sins and in the new Act of Contrition.  He usually whispers the start of the words of Absolution, so I don't know if he used the new words.  It's not manditory till after Easter.  But I saw he has it taped onto the confessional in the chapel.  He does say the actual words of absolution out loud.  He actually extended his hand before I was even done saying my part.  Lol.  I don't know if people were waiting or someone was in ear shot...  But when I left there was another man approaching Fr. I.  I went to do my penance, but when I left I noticed there was a line waiting at the confessional booths proper and the man who approached him waiting in line.  Did I line jump?  Lol.  Are the new confessionals in working condition?  It had the little lights on the outside...  As I was praying the wedding party came back in to take pictures.  I left.  The bag piper was still playing outside to no one as I left as well.  I wonder how long he was told to play.

Ugh...  We ate at Chick Fil A.  I ate my left over calamari and I still feel hungry.  More I feel like my stomach needs food to settle, almost as if I'm hypo.


I forgot what we were talking about...  But Tita Neng asked what time I go to Mass.  9.  She thought we were going at 8.  I said we used to, but we basically dropped a Mass.  As did their church...

Listened to a podcast.  I don't even remember which.  But they said, "You are worthy of Christ's Crucifixion" and...  I don't know how I feel about that.  It is both shocking and...  I don't know...  I don't feel worthy.  Like should we?  Like I get what he was trying to say.  Like Christ died for my sins and I am worthy to be forgiven.  But I don't know...  The wording makes me uncomfortable.

Lol.  I made a post on Elliot's instagram and described it as "native" homes.  Like...  We aren't native?  I once asked Mom if we're descendants of a certain tribe.  She couldn't answer.  I guess we are so far removed we aren't considered "native".  cc 7500centfish

Saw this summary of BSG.  Did I miss something???  I know the main gist was it's cyclic, humans making cylons, they fighting their makers etc...  But then I must have missed the part where the 13th colony of cylons attempted to come back to warn the other 12, but came too late / in the middle of the current battle that we see on the show.  Huh?

Another video...  Jonathan Roumie, AKA Jesus and Bishop Barron doing Homer Simpson impressions!  HAHAHAHA!

Ugh...  Now I feel crampy.  FYI, my period ended almost a week ago.

According to 7500centfish and Jennie I am being held hostage by the Aunts.  I think it's more the opposite.  Occasionally I let them out of the room and let them watch Filipino shows.  Lol.

Tita E messed with the camera and stole crackers.  LOL!  Tito Abe was like why am I announcing the camera.  It should be hidden.

Listening to this vid as I fold my laundry...  She mentions jealousy at the concept of redemptive suffering.  Like it's just not something done in protestant churches / kinda looked down upon.  I have yet to hear her reasoning, but...  That's so sad...  And she doesn't really expand.

  • St. Patrick's Day.  As I've said, it's easier for me to fast from meat than to do an alt penance.  But I don't think the Diocese made a statement on their website / social media, but St. E posted something similar.
  • Mothering Sunday...  Aw.  That's cute!  In a sense it's good I go there every Sunday.  But in another sense, it's not as special?  Or...  It should be special every Sunday?
  • RIP Archie...
  • Kinda wishing I had a Nespresso machine...  But the idea of paying for pods...  cc 7500centfish
  • Why are guys obsessed with Master and Commander?
  • Celibacy isn't the issue...
  • st e, tv, #nosingang, catholicism, confession, movie, buy me stuff, #confessionsession

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