Starting my #PostMassEntry before we go out...

Mar 12, 2023 20:14

The Aunts want to go to the grocery later.  They are tired of Chinese food.  I wonder which grocery they want to go to.  I only know of Uncle G.  But...  I think they used to go to Best (which is now closed) or C town near the village.  I also have to pick up my meds.  Maybe get bagels for the week.  But then again, maybe I should eat my leftover IHOP...

For some reason I had it in my mind that the time change was we gained an hour of sleep.  But then I woke up with my alarm and it was dark out.  That being said, I was fully awake and couldn't snooze till 7:15.  I did my prayers, showered...  I then heard the Aunts in the bathroom.  When I was about to go down, I actually heard them in the kitchen.  They were just cooking.  They gave me money for their IHOP and told me to get them a Chicken Fiesta omelet.

Mass.  I got there early again.  I probably left the house a minute earlier, but due to hitting mostly greens I was there very early.  I didn't go and pray at our candle.  But I just sat there.  Our normal neighbors weren't around.  Not that I speak to them anyway...  But I don't know...  I just wanted someone to stop by, say hi or something.  Having Mom by my side is a comfort.  And...  I pray that by some miracle that I can stay in my parish for life...  But at the same time...  I'm lonely.  Aside from my priest who do I talk to?  The deacon passes by and...  I was half hoping he'd stop by and ask where Mom was.  Anyway...

Mass proper.  They always sing songs that are in the Breviary and...  I still cannot remember the tunes when they come up.  Or I'll get the first line, but then lose the tune.  I think it actually has the notations in the back, but I'm too lazy to try to sight read or go to the piano and work out the tune.  Maybe I need to move my piano to my #Prayerspace!  HAHAHAHA!!!  Anyway, homily.  Fr. I mentioned the theme of the readings was thirst.  How typically when people want to find water they'll dig a hole and expect water to come up.  But then God told Moses to hit a rock.  He mentioned that the desert in Exodus / Lent is difficult, but God was on the rock, so we're never alone.  He also mentioned like people will ask if there is a point in Lent, in fasting, penance, confession...  He then mentioned the gospel...  How the woman at the well went from calling him sir, to a prophet then to Christ.  That lent is a journey toward newness in Easter.  Lol...  I feel like my "summary" is all over the place, but yeah, that's what I got out of it.

I guess that's all I really need to write for now.  They want to leave at 12.  It's 11:42 now.  Leaving this open till when we come back from shopping...

1:46 P.M.  Back home.

We ended up just going to Uncle Giuseppe's.  Bought mostly chicken and veg.  Tita Carmen was looking for a whole ham.  But...  We didn't see one.  I wasn't gonna eat it all anyway!  They also offered to buy me chips and / or popcorn.  I said if they wanted it.  They did not.  We also have microwave popcorn at home.  Oh yeah, I also went to pick up my meds.  Before we went home also got bagels at the local bagel place.  It was past 12 and I swear I still saw people from my church there!  Maybe the Mom was a reader at the 11:30 Mass?

Do the vegs need to be refrigerated?

I've been needing to order from Costco, but I feel weird ordering for delivery when the Aunts send me out for other stuff.  All I really need are freezer bags for my bagels.  I did find "used" ones that had stale tortilla chips in them and nuts which I reused.  We also needed paper towel.  But then I found a few more rolls buried in the junk in the laundry room.  So it can probably wait till Mom and 7500centfish are back.

Reddit post.  Someone asked if there was a piece of fictional media that helped them either join the Church or become closer to God.  I mean...  Time wise it was years ago, but I kinda feel like Brideshead Revisited is part of my current journey.  I just commented that I'm a fan of British period dramas and went into it knowing nothing about it.  I kinda think my time line is all messed up as well.  Because...  At some point, I think on the Feast of the Assumption I had a moment with the Eucharist.  I then started going to confession, met with Fr. I.  But...  I think my years are messed up.  Like...  I thought it was in 2018 that I had my moment, but then I met with Fr. I in June?  And...  I wasn't really writing in my journal all that much at the time.  So...  My memory is crap!  Wait, 2020 is when I met with Sr. Pat, so maybe 2019 I met with Fr. I, so Aug of 2018 I had my moment and started going to confession?  This is the first entry I seem to hint at anything.  It then took me almost 3 months to go to confession!

I started wearing a scapular again.

Time jump.  6ish.

Emptied the trash.  I won't put it out.  It's only 1 bag.  Mom usually puts it out with 2 bags+.  I watered the plants.  Did my files...  Dishes.  Pretty much waiting for the clock to run.

I've seen a few Clue first watches and...  In a sense it hasn't aged well.  People don't get / are confused by everyone gasping at the whole Mr. Green being gay and the whole socialist / communist thing.

When I came down this AM, Tita Carmen asked me if I saw some pic about some relatives from my Dad's side.  What picture?  I asked 7500centfish and she said she had no clue either.  Said they've only been meeting with both sides of Mom's family.  Unless we have some weird double relation.  I know my cousin married someone from Mom's hometown.  And my cousin's cousin married one of 7500centfish's classmate's cousins?  Lol.

Meeting with Fr. I.

Tweets.  Stamp collector.  HAHAHA!!!  Horse girlTina Belcher.

catholicism, st e, prayer, private kinda, #prayerspace, discernment, sunday mass tweet

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