The Aunts want to go to the grocery later. They are tired of Chinese food. I wonder which grocery they want to go to. I only know of Uncle G. But... I think they used to go to Best (which is now closed) or C town near the village. I also have to pick up my meds. Maybe get bagels for the week. But then again, maybe I should eat my leftover IHOP...
For some reason I had it in my mind that the time change was we gained an hour of sleep. But then I woke up with my alarm and it was dark out. That being said, I was fully awake and couldn't snooze till 7:15. I did my prayers, showered... I then heard the Aunts in the bathroom. When I was about to go down, I actually heard them in the kitchen. They were just cooking. They gave me money for their IHOP and told me to get them a Chicken Fiesta omelet.
Mass. I got there early again. I probably left the house a minute earlier, but due to hitting mostly greens I was there very early. I didn't go and pray at our candle. But I just sat there. Our normal neighbors weren't around. Not that I speak to them anyway... But I don't know... I just wanted someone to stop by, say hi or something. Having Mom by my side is a comfort. And... I pray that by some miracle that I can stay in my parish for life... But at the same time... I'm lonely. Aside from my priest who do I talk to? The deacon passes by and... I was half hoping he'd stop by and ask where Mom was. Anyway...
Mass proper. They always sing songs that are in the Breviary and... I still cannot remember the tunes when they come up. Or I'll get the first line, but then lose the tune. I think it actually has the notations in the back, but I'm too lazy to try to sight read or go to the piano and work out the tune. Maybe I need to move my piano to my #Prayerspace! HAHAHAHA!!! Anyway, homily. Fr. I mentioned the theme of the readings was thirst. How typically when people want to find water they'll dig a hole and expect water to come up. But then God told Moses to hit a rock. He mentioned that the desert in Exodus / Lent is difficult, but God was on the rock, so we're never alone. He also mentioned like people will ask if there is a point in Lent, in fasting, penance, confession... He then mentioned the gospel... How the woman at the well went from calling him sir, to a prophet then to Christ. That lent is a journey toward newness in Easter. Lol... I feel like my "summary" is all over the place, but yeah, that's what I got out of it.
I guess that's all I really need to write for now. They want to leave at 12. It's 11:42 now. Leaving this open till when we come back from shopping...
1:46 P.M. Back home.
We ended up just going to Uncle Giuseppe's. Bought mostly chicken and veg. Tita Carmen was looking for a whole ham. But... We didn't see one. I wasn't gonna eat it all anyway! They also offered to buy me chips and / or popcorn. I said if they wanted it. They did not. We also have microwave popcorn at home. Oh yeah, I also went to pick up my meds. Before we went home also got bagels at the local bagel place. It was past 12 and I swear I still saw people from my church there! Maybe the Mom was a reader at the 11:30 Mass?
Do the vegs need to be refrigerated?
I've been needing to order from Costco, but I feel weird ordering for delivery when the Aunts send me out for other stuff. All I really need are freezer bags for my bagels. I did find "used" ones that had stale tortilla chips in them and nuts which I reused. We also needed paper towel. But then I found a few more rolls buried in the junk in the laundry room. So it can probably wait till Mom and
7500centfish are back.
Reddit post. Someone asked if there was a piece of fictional media that helped them either join the Church or become closer to God. I mean... Time wise it was years ago, but I kinda feel like Brideshead Revisited is part of my current journey. I just commented that I'm a fan of British period dramas and went into it knowing nothing about it. I kinda think my time line is all messed up as well. Because... At some point, I think on the Feast of the Assumption I had a moment with the Eucharist. I then started going to confession, met with Fr. I. But... I think my years are messed up. Like... I thought it was in 2018 that I had my moment, but then I met with Fr. I in June? And... I wasn't really writing in my journal all that much at the time. So... My memory is crap! Wait, 2020 is when I met with Sr. Pat, so maybe 2019 I met with Fr. I, so Aug of 2018 I had my moment and started going to confession? This is the
first entry I seem to hint at anything. It then took me almost
3 months to go to confession!
I started wearing a
scapular again.
Time jump. 6ish.
Emptied the trash. I won't put it out. It's only 1 bag. Mom usually puts it out with 2 bags+. I watered the plants. Did my files... Dishes. Pretty much waiting for the clock to run.
I've seen a few Clue first watches and... In a sense it hasn't aged well. People don't get / are confused by everyone gasping at the whole Mr. Green being gay and the whole socialist / communist thing.
When I came down this AM, Tita Carmen asked me if I saw some pic about some relatives from my Dad's side. What picture? I asked
7500centfish and she said she had no clue either. Said they've only been meeting with both sides of Mom's family. Unless we have some weird double relation. I know my cousin married someone from Mom's hometown. And my cousin's cousin married one of
7500centfish's classmate's cousins? Lol.
Meeting with Fr. I.
Stamp collector. HAHAHA!!!
Horse girl.
Tina Belcher.