Came down this AM...

Mar 09, 2023 20:26

Tita Carmen asked if there was a place near work to get milk.  Uh...  Not really?  I said I usually shop around here.  But then Tita Carmen said never mind.  Either way, when I was done eating, I said, "You want me to buy milk?  What else?"  They also wanted grapes...  OK, milk and grapes.  What kind of milk?  Regular, skim?  Something in between?  2%.  She then asked where I get my bagels.  Near the pharmacy...  She then asked me to get bagels too.  Uh...  Does Uncle G's have bagels???  According to the website they do?  Anyway, I decided if they didn't have real bagels I'll just go to panera.  FF to after work.  I get their milk and gwapes.  Cream cheese...  I see rolls, empty shelves...  I end up asking the cashier if they have real bagels...  She said yes, might have to try in the AM.  I guess they sell out.  I wonder if it's the same at Stew Leonards.  They also want me to get them calamari for tomorrow.  I might get shrimp.

The Aunts wanted KFC yesterday.  Pope-Yes is better.  I'm so weirded out the Aunts eat French fries.  Lol.  When they asked me the first time they specifically asked for cole slaw and French fries.  As I said, I found that weird.  I got them, but I also got mashed potatoes for myself.

Dr. L asked me.  1.  When I was born and 2...  If I've seen the movie from the 70s Soylent Green.  No...  But I've heard of it.  He then asked me what I've heard.  "It's people?"  He then started talking about overpopulation, etc.  I have no clue what brought this about.  Lol.

HAHAHAHA!!!  Dr. L asked how Mom was.  He assumed she was at home watching soaps all day.  I honestly said nothing.  HAHAHAHA!!!

What podcast was it?  Catholic Answers Focus, I think?  They mentioned how God works in the supernatural not the unnatural as in...  Jesus turns water into wine.  While the devil asks Jesus to turn a stone into bread.  Water into wine is more plausible.  Even in the abstract, water for the vine, to grapes, to wine.  But there is no way to turn a stone into bread.

I finished Special Forces and...  I'm so confused.  Basically the last task they had to do was be tortured / interrogated and...  It confused me.  Firstly, not till the end we were told their objective was to stay alive.  But they were given a cover story saying there were doing some celebrity photo shoot for a campaign to save the Arabian Wolf or something.  So when they were interrogated they were told to stick to their cover.  But then at the end...  To pass the test they had to reveal they were actually special forces.  Huh?  Like I don't get that.  I get that not revealing / annoying them is gonna get you killed, but in the real world is your objective to stay alive?  Or to keep secrets?

A parish (?) in Brooklyn that celebrated the Latin Mass is no longer allowed to.  The fact it's next door / the Bishop used to be from my diocese...  Does not look good.  As I said, I'm a "Novus ordo" girl, but I do not agree with what is happening to the Latin Mass.  I don't get it.

This has to be the funniest first watch of The Exorcist.

Tito Abe says I owe both Fed and State tax.  Great...

Ugh...  I'm in one of those funks where I want more.  Like I can't wait to go to next week's church thing.  I want to watch youtube vids, but at the same time...  If I watch from bed I'll fall asleep.  I can't watch them at work and even then I'm half listening to my podcasts.  Currently "watching" Fr. John Riccardo.

catholicism, podcasts, buy me stuff, work stuffs

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