"Thank you.  Beautiful confession"

Feb 11, 2023 22:10

Why is God so good???  😭  I honestly wanted to do nothing more today than to go to confession, but first...

Had an MD appt this AM.  It was scheduled for 9, but the doctor is known to come in at 9:45 to 10, so I expected to wait.  I actually came in before 9 and there was already a person waiting and they were brought in first.  As I was still waiting, just after 9, 2 other people came in.  Anyway, the doctor arrived at 9:30 and I was seen soon after.  Was back home before Queens even called.  We have to wait longer as usual because they eat breakfast at home and Tita Neng needs to vid chat her meds...  Anyway, what did the doctor say.  I have a feeling he doesn't remember my history.  It doesn't seem like many doctors do.  As in they kinda treat you like a first time patient and work with whatever info is in front of them at the moment.  Looking at my meds plus my labs.  Saying x med causes y lab result.  Basically I need to eat a low triglyceride diet, drink more water and exercise.  I need to get my cardio up.  He also said I should get a masters in Nutrition / "Dietitian" or a PhD.  (How does he know I have a BS?  Or a college degree to begin with?)  He's like there's still time.  I don't remember who I've told about my degree...  I mean I know he knows I work for peds, because he's always asking me what is going on / patient population trends.  But at some point he's like..  What does insulin do?  I have a mental block for a second, but then say, "It pushes glucose into the cell."  Like...  I don't know what the lay person would say.  (I just texted 7500centfish...  She said it helps regulate her sugars.  kumquatqueen said it breaks sugar down into smaller parts.  It actaully binds to an insulin receptor, which opens a glucose channel so glucose can enter the cell.)  He then said exercise does the same or more so.  Does it?  So yeah...  I need to eat better, drink more water and exercise.  Once again asked for a refill and have gotten no notification, except I see it was approved by my pharmacy benefits.

They came.  I just sat and read.  I finished up on the Our Father and now he's (Ratzinger) talking about the Apostles / discipleship.  But re the Our Father.  He talked about how it once again is about praying for the coming of the Kingdom, both in the beginning when we say "thy Kingdom come", etc.  As I said, it warned us they'd be talking about the Kingdom of God a lot.  Anyway it's then echoed again when we pray "deliver us from evil".  And once again talking about the "Our", but this time in terms of Daily Bread.  How it is communal.  And not only the Eucharist, but the daily needs of everyone.  He was then saying like...  X amount of the apostles are or have Zealot ties.  Judas might even be a stricter offshoot of them.  Not sure if he'll expand on it more, but interesting...  I wonder if like in JCS how he kinda took the over zealousness and got it twisted and that was the cause of his downfall.

Ate at Filet-A-Chick.  But to the new one near Tar-jay.

Tita E wanted to go to Harmons to use her gift card.  Tito Abe brought Mom and I home.

I will not deny Mom the sacraments!  First when she told Tito Abe to drop her off, she had thought I was going to Harmons.  But then she said never mind because she didn't have a car.  I was like, "I'll drive you!"  But be quick because I need to go to St. E's after.  HAHAHAHA!!!  Anyway, left the house around 2:30.  We were then waiting for the priest, but then someone came in and went in before Mom.  More people were coming in and Mom continued to wait...  Someone came up to Mom asking is she was in line...  Only then did she get up.  I waited for her...  I was afraid someone was gonna ask if I too was in line.  "No I have my own confessor."  As always I'm paranoid I'll be late.  I programed my GPS to take us to St. E's straight afterward, but Mom was soon finished I was able to drop her off at home, start my laundry before I left.

Like I said...  Last week they announced we were getting new confessionals.  I wanted to be the first to try them!  HAHAHAHA!!!  So I showed up early and there were actually 2 people in the church.  But 1 was a church employee, the other left soon after.  Come 4PM, Fr. I came in.  Greeted the worker.  Noted the smell of food in the church.  Opened some windows.  He then greeted me, asked me how I was doing.  Asked if I wanted to try out the new confessional or the old.  I'll try the new!  He then said it's not really set up, pointed to the door with the kneeler, "You go in there".  He then mentioned there were no lights.  It was pitch black!  LOL!  There was also no interior handle, so I was grabbing at the woodwork to close the door.  I heard the screen open.  He's like, "Do you need to read?"  "Yes."  "Do you have a phone?"  "Yes."  HAHAHAH!!!  So I fiddled around looking for my phone and turned on the light.  I wonder what he could see on his end, because I saw nothing!  He's like this is a confession I'll never forget.  Yes, haha...  So I read off my confession, dropped my Act of Contrition card!  He said my penance, which I later blanked on...  Did my Act of Contrition.  He absolved me.  I usually say Thank you as I leave, but he said, "Thank you.  Beautiful confession."  😭  We then parted ways...  Once again, wanting to cry.  God is so good!  And...  I don't even know what made him say it was a beautiful confession.  It's not like I've been away for a while and am tearfully coming back.  It's not like I said anything different from what I usually do.  I've heard it said a "good confession" is one that is thorough and...  I don't know...  At the same time...  Sometimes (more than sometimes) I need affirmation and...  *sigh*  Why are You so good to me?  Anyway as I said, afterward we parted ways and he went to the "old" confessional, AKA the one in the chapel / hallway.  I'm having 2nd hand anxiety people were waiting by the booths and not going to the chapel for confession!

Mom is eating up all the fruit.  Lol...  So I ordered groceries from Uncle Giuseppe's and when I put nanners in my cart it says 1 bunch.  But then...  I don't know, something about it in check out made me think I was only getting 1 banana...  And yup.  Only got 1!  (7500centfish, Mom wants you to laugh!)  I don't know how to get a bunch because when I click the plus sign, it says "2 bunches", etc.  If I do order from them in the future, I did put a note, "1 bunch, not 1 banana".  I might try from Stew Leonards.  They seem to have a better variety of pre prepared food.  Oh yeah, I also bought "real" creamer thinking it had calcium but no...  Discovered creamer is actually just fat and sugar?  Um...  Ew, but not?  Lol.  Maybe I just need to take calcium supplements?  As I said, my nails have been chipping uncontrollably.  I have a nail hardener on, which seems to have helped a bit...  One of our patients saw a dermatologist for the same reason and the report says to moisturize and wear gloves.

I decided Wednesday is Secular Music Wednesday!  Lol.  I felt like listening to Keane, because someone posted a vid of Tom playing at some BBC thing.  *sigh*  It really makes me miss playing the piano.

Podcasts.  I listened to the Pillar's Sunday podcast.  It goes over the Gospels.  I think they did Mark and part of Luke for Christmas.  Interesting...  Firstly I though...  Mary became pregnant when they were betrothed.  How long is betrothal?  Because she was still betrothed when she gave birth.  FYI...  Betrothal is a period of time when they are married, but not yet living together, nor is the marriage consummated.  They later mention if Mary were to be pregnant by Joseph even when they were legally married, but betrothed, he too would have been stoned.  But yeah, they were saying there is basally a whole consummation ceremony.  Another interesting point...  In Roman society when someone was adopted they were issued a death certificate and given a new birth certificate.  They mentioned it in terms of Joseph being Jesus' adopted father, but...  In a sense it is like a baptismal certificate.  We die, die to the world and are born again through Christ.

Dream.  I was at Mass and something signals me that it's time to get up for communion, except it isn't.  So after the front rows start to exit to receive, but then there is a gap where no one gets up.  So...  Mom takes it upon herself to leave the pew, but then speed runs to the aisle passing people and I'm excusing myself as I cut people off to catch up.  As we get to the beginning I realize it's a lay person dressed in black and not Fr. I.  So I exit the line and see him coming back from the old chapel.  He had just distributed to someone in a wheelchair there.  But instead of receiving from him...  (Who is now in clerics and not liturgical garb...)  I go to the Deacon.  Mom and I return to our seat even when we received from different people and some woman cuts in between Mom and I and kneels at my seat.  I try to squeeze next to Mom, but she sits in her normal spot and doesn't budge.  I then forcefully say, "move!" and freak out the lady who took my seat.

Random texts.

It was Tito Abe / Tita Neng's anniversary.  (Mom and I thought they were married on Valentine's Day?)  Tita Neng wants a river cruise for their 50th.  "Time to save up boys!"  Lol.  I wanted to know if geebs / sparkyboy were gonna video call and sing Happy Anniversary, A la Bionic 6.  HAHAHAH!!!

Dr. L asked me if I wanted to work from home on Monday.  I was first confused, but then said yes, but then he said it was to do APPNY stuff...  Uh...  I'd rather work from work.  1.  Mom was talking about driving her places.  I'm supposed to be working!  And...  I just worry I wouldn't be doing things to his liking and be paid for essentially not working or being threatened to not be paid.  So...  Yeah, so I'm coming in regular time on Mon.  That being said, I already have things on my desk I need to do for Monday!

Ginger has a fungal / bacterial ear infection / cough.  Poor puppy!  cc 7500centfish kumquatqueen

That reminded me!  When I was in the church parking lot there was an old couple walking a dog and it was a Keeshond!  I would have said something, but...  I'm not sure how it's pronounced.  Kayson?  I've also head keeshonden?  Lol.  All the comments to these videos say it's wrong!  Key-zond?

I don't remember why I was thinking it while driving...  But I remembered being in honors classes, English specifically.  We thought Catcher in the Rye was overrated...  But then it made me wonder how I was put into honors when all through grade school via those aptitude tests I was below 2 grade levels in reading...  Like I remember being in a remedial reading class separate from the regular.  But then I also remember being pulled aside saying I should supplement my work over some break or something.  As in I needed to push myself more because I was above the class?  I was above grade level in STEM and...  I don't think they were reading / vocab books...

  • I'd totally watch a Bishop Barron series on Catholicism in England.
  • NGL...  Netherlands is looking nice.  But lol, like the entire team is from Curacao.  The Philippines, prior to the pandemic was supposed to be participating.  Interested in England (Sorry, GB) and Israel.  Can we get a Team Vatican City?  HAHAHAHA!!!  We could get Pete Alonso, Trevor Williams...  Alonso is playing for US.  Honestly if they make it to the end I'd vote for them, since Lugo is not on Team PR...  Present / former Mets in the WBC.
  • Honestly this surprises me.  Fil-Am being the 2nd highest medium income...  I mean...  I'm not denying my upbringing, but...  I don't see my upbringing being an average Filipino upbringing.
  • Catolocism...
  • Lenten reading suggestions.
  • Confession is about to change.  FYI, all you need for validity is for the priest to say, "I absolve you."
  • Happy Birthday, Mookie...
  • Attn, trad priests!
  • I'm sure this is a poor translation...  USCCB translates it as sacrifice.  Jesus established a Church...
  • books, podcasts, #nosingang, dream, music, medical, mets, catholicism, confession, playing doctor, private kinda, work stuffs

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