I wasn't even hungry...

Feb 06, 2023 22:17

But I heated up some Costco chicken wings to give Mom something to eat.  As I've said...  We have a lot of food that needs to be prepared, but it doesn't seem Mom cooks anything.  I honestly don't know what she eats other than her waffles in the AM...  She heated up this lobster bisque yesterday, but that looks untouched today.  We have bread and cheese, that looks untouched as well.  We have mixed veg and ground beef.  I was scoping out Uncle G's for something I could order, but then remembered the chicken wings.  I could have done with a thicker hot sauce. cc 7500centfish kumquatqueen

I was scoping out Etsy for stuff for my prayer space again.  #prayercorner I didn't actually end up buying anything.  For my prayer space, that is...  But I did buy some cute Saint mugs and prayer cards.  I'm planning to make some...  I don't know if I want to use a cork board with push pins or hang prayer cards from my lighted curtain with clothes pins.  This is giving me Baz Luhrmann vibes...  cc 7500centfish kumquatqueen

Random thing I remembered from Mass.  Fr. I talked of giving gifts, in reference to being the salt / light and sharing those.  But then he said, "it's often said it's better to give".  And I'm thinking.  Yeah!  Like bowling ball gifts!  HAHAHAH!!!  I just like to share my joy and that's a way to do it.  HAHAHAHa!!!  Anyway, Fr. Mike also said something interesting in his homily.  (In mid relisten...)  I'm not sure this is what I wanted to comment on, but he talks about this guy who refused to fight for Nazi Germany because of his Catholic faith and was executed.  I mean...  Aside from being martyred.  How was Georg Von Trapp different?  Oh yeah, Tall Poppy Syndrome...  More specifically he talks about a life being changed by the love of God...  Then keeping it to yourself.  I've said it before...  I had a profound experience and have a deep love for God.  I can't help but share it.  Previous in the homily he mentions the Ash Wednesday reading about not to appear to be fasting, wash your face, etc.  But then said it's not the act of doing it, but doing it to seek praise.  Do it as if no one is watching.

"We're watching the Sound of Music wrong"...  Basically she says Maria has spent a majority of her life thinking it will be one way but then it turning out differently.  Fear, disappointment.  Something I seem to focus on this time around (watching reaction vids) when the Mother Superior meets with Maria, the commenter would always say Maria's not fit to be a nun.  Maybe it's too modern a thought, but...  Yeah, priests / nuns are normal people with interests, quirks.  God forbid you be joyful and be a nun.  At the same time I totally agree you can serve God without being a religious.  One commenter laughed as Maria ran back into the convent and quickly washes her hands.  "I know is certain religions, like Catholicism you need to wash yourself".  Uh...  Yeah, that's not a baptismal font, nor is that what we are doing...

Catechism in a year.  It was about explaining the Trinity, but then he talks about accident and substance.  They usually use those terms for the Eucharist.  As in the substance changes to Christ's body and blood, but the accidents remain as bread and wine.  Anyway, Fr. Mike said...  It's like dye.  The fact something is red or green does not change the fact that it is fabric.

Gonna need a new check books soon.  Currently have "romantic" Disney couples, Aurora / Phillip, Belle / Beast, Uh...  I think something from Bambi and Cinderella / Charming.  I previously had Garfield ones which they no longer have?  Winnie the Pooh.  I might have to go back to those.  They do have Disney Princess ones, which I would get...  Except they are more "mature" in the sense the check looks formal, with just a small picture in the corner.  Another downside is there is no Aurora.  We all know she is the best Disney princess.  I think it's only Cinderella, Ariel, Rapunzel and...  I don't remember the last.

I feel like my period is getting "heavier".  It's still extremely light, but I'm on day 6 and...  I seem to be bleeding fresh blood.

Lol...  I sent this to 7500centfish and kumquatqueenTLMPilgrimage.  1.  It's in their neck of the woods.  2.  "The mass of Kevin James" "Shia LaBeouf", etc.  HAHAHAHa!!!  FYI, Kevin James has been seen frequenting the TLM in my diocese.

podcasts, #prayercorner, medical, private kinda, buy me stuff, prayer, being a dork, sunday mass tweet

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