Do you ever leave Mass and feel completely in love with God?

Feb 05, 2023 13:25

At the same time I feel like crying...  I don't really know how to explain it.  Like...  I have this intense love, yet...  It doesn't feel enough.  It's never enough.  I don't know...  Anyway...

Mass was good!  Once again the St. A's "Italian Chorus" sang at Mass.  Please let this be a monthly thing!!!  Now if only they would use more incense...  HAHAHAHA!!!

When we walked in, there was a bunch of wooden furniture pieces in a corner of the church.  New confessionals???  Fr. I started his homily saying they weren't his lego pieces, but yes a confessional.  I mean...  I have no issue with the ones currently being used.  People complained about a lack of privacy.  If anything it closed up the chapel and I'll like to pray at our candle when I go...  So, I hope to use it next week.  Will I be the first one?

In the actual homily...  He talked of the generosity of the parish again, with St. Elizabeth as our role model.  He then told a story about an Italian grandmother and her family's cookie recipe.  She later passed it to her daughter in law, but her cookies were never as good.  When the old lady died, they found her recipe book and noticed she held back on telling the DIL the amount of salt to add.  Fr. I said...  We may be generous, but we never truly give all we have.  We hold back.  He then said, Jesus doesn't say we should be like salt.  But was are the salt of the Earth.  We are the light of the world.  It is our responsibility to share those things.

Didn't mess up the Pater Noster this time.  In the sense I didn't go blank and mess up / lose my place.  But yeah...  My timing and pronunciation is off.  I need a tutorial on chanting it.

Fr. I as weak on his chanting and his voice cracked a few times.  Lol.

I crushed Mom's foot with the kneeler after the Sanctus.  I was distracted trying to look up which Eucharist prayer was being used I was late to bring it down.

Anyway, I was trying to look for a guide for which Eucharistic Prayer is being used.  I think I heard it on a podcast once.  But I don't remember which...  I know EP II, is when they mention the Holy Spirit coming down like the dewfall, that's why it's jokingly called a "Dewfall Mass".  EP I AKA the Roman Canon lists all the apostles and martyrs.  I don't know what signals EP III and IV, etc.

My nails continue to break.  I've cut them down to as much as I can and they still break.  Looking for crazy glue to glue what is left.  If it goes below the nail bed (?) am I gonna have to get fake nails to protect them?

Reddit post.  Someone was ranting about being a church employee.  But one of the comments was jokingly saying it's sexist / misogynistic.  Susan the Church Lady healed him of a cut on his hand.  Another comment says she called upon the demons of Neomycin, Polymyxin, and Bacitracin.  Another was like St. Vicks heals everything.  HAHAHAHA!!!

Labs.  My Triglycerides are high, my HDL low.  My creatinine is still high...  Higher.  1.01 to 1.07.  Blood in my "urine" lol.  Trace protein.  A1c is slightly higher  6.4 from 6.2.  My AST / ALT is normal.  Why did he do my thyroid and Creatinine Kinase?

I was up till almost 3 AM watching reaction videos.  I saw a few for The Sound of Music and Strictly Ballroom.

  • The Baptist.
  • snort
  • HD image of the chinese spy balloon
  • st e, prayer, private kinda, sunday mass tweet, medical

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