Where is my cat onesie???

Feb 04, 2023 20:57

They didn't come.  Did my laundry, did my files...

Went to get my blood drawn this AM.  I asked for a lab slip from my MD knowing they enter it into the Quest system, but then...  I couldn't find it.  I usually get it so I know what blood tests are being drawn because one time he only mentioned a 24 hour urine and I was expecting to just drop it off, but nope!  He wanted more blood!  Also...  If I have another MD that needs blood, etc.  But then again...  One MD orders a CMP (Complete Metabolic Panel), the other a BMP (Basic) and...  They "drew" both.  Uh...  Just do the CMP!  He also ordered urine and..  I'm on my period.  The lab tech said it should be fine because they're more looking for kidney function and not for infection.  Mom agrees...

I was hoping to go to First Saturday Mass.  But the fact I needed to get my blood drawn with a full bladder.  I'd have no time to shower afterward and head to church.  Plus...  I usually get Dunkin Donuts after my blood draws.  Oh yeah, the tech was way too chipper for my taste in the AM.  Anyway...  The timing didn't work out.  In addition Mass is earlier.  9AM vs 9:30, plus there is confession before.  I mean...  My next "scheduled" confession session is next weekend, but I would have gone this AM if I was able to make it to Mass...

OMG so cold!  As I said, Marna and co invited me out tonight and...  Honestly it's too cold to do anything.  I don't want to go out.  I don't want to get dressed.  Currently in leggings, a hoodie and a cat onesie.  Lol.

I read Jesus of Nazareth!  I actually had to readjust my reading schedule.  It was 10 pages per day, but due to laziness I'm behind almost a week.  So I had to readjust to 15 pages a day.  I was able to do that today, but I think the only way I can continue to do so is if I read at every meal.  I'm thinking of doing the same for my pleasure reads on Sunday.  Still in the middle of The Thursday Murder Club, but...  I dunno...  Losing interest because of the cliche tropes.  Do those mean the same things?  Anyway...  Ugh...  I can't even remember!  Where was I?  Most of today's reading was on the Our Father and...  It hit me.  It's really a communal prayer.  It's not "My" Father, but Our Father.  Cardinal Ratzinger then mentions it's really Jesus's prayer to the Father through the Holy Spirit as if we are participating in that.  He then mentions like the 10 commandments it begins with our relationship with the Father, then to others and ultimately against the Evil One.

I also updated my files.  I don't know what I will read after the Word on Fire Bible, well the rest of the New Testament.  I've been flipping between new and old testament.  The next installment of the WoF Bible (The Pentateuch) doesn't come out till the summer.  I do have other bibles...  Should I just continue straight through my Children's Bible.  Lol...  They totally cut out the "difficult" parts.  There was no mention of the Binding of Issac, nor the killing of the first born.  Did they even mention the Passover???  I mean, I think they mentioned the whole put the blood on the lintels and gird your loins, but I don't think they mentioned the reason for the Passover is so their children wouldn't die!  HAHAHAHA!!!  And what is this???  According to my records I read up to 90% of Prince Caspian, but there is no record of me, neither in my files or Goodreads of finishing it.  What???

As I said, there is some Lenten lecture series at church.  It starts when 7500centfish and Mom leave for the Philippines.  I asked Mom when she thinks they will leave.  8ish.  I mean...  I wonder if I can skip out the 1st week and then attend the rest or...  Is there a way for me to "catch up"?

I got my NYS Mental Health bonus.  The fact I no longer pay Mom for my loan and part of it was paid off I didn't have to put money into my "Mom / Dad" fund.  Once again...  Having the uncomfortable feeling of seeing the money in my bank.  I haven't even deposited it yet!  Not that I want to invest in the stock market...  But maybe I should put it into some sort of savings account?  I also don't want something where the money is completely untouchable.  I still want to be able to tap into it in emergencies.  I'm worried about fees as well...  cc 7500centfish

Am I horrible for laughing at this?  I Am Jesus.  I've said it before..  CallMeKevin jokes at being Catholic, says he doesn't know much, but at the same time I think he downplays how much he knows...  I mean...  Maybe at one point he was religious.  Maybe he still practices.  I dunno.

My nails keep peeling.  Like not breaking in the normal sense, but like peeling layer by layer.  I thought if I put nail polish on it would help.  But nope.  Mom asking if I was taking biotin and vit D.  Yes.

Installed my dash cam.  At least I think I did?  I literally just stuck it up on the windshield and positioned it.  Is there anything else I need to do?  Oh and I guess pop in the SD card that Tito Abe also gave?  cc 7500centfish

  • Adorbs!  Pray for vocations!
  • The reddit post I mentioned previously, but this time on twitter!
  • Why does this only have 5838 likes!?!
  • Beautiful.
  • Goodnight Moon...
  • I lol'd...
  • books, st e, private kinda, work stuffs, medical

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