So disappointed!

Jan 17, 2023 21:41

Today is geebs's Feast Day.  So I asked what he was feasting on.  A breakfast bar and yogurt.  I was expecting at least bacon or something!  Or eggs since he learned to cook them like his Dad!  HAHAHHA!!!  But then it made me wonder...  Who has the most name days if we go on name purely.  And not for example.  I'm actually named after St. Rose of Lima and not any Sts. Elizabeth.  Off hand, maybe because it's my name, I can name...  1.  St. Elizabeth, Mary's cousin.  2.  St. Elizabeth of Hungary.  3.  St. Elizabeth Ann Seton.  4.  St. Elizabeth of Portugal.  There is another St. Elizabeth I can't remember the name exactly, but I think it begins with an S.  Oh and there is St. Elizabeth of the Trinity.  And even then, which have feast days celebrated in the church calendar?  [wiki page]  Theresa...  There is St. Terese of Lisieux and 7500centfish is named after St. Teresa of Avila.  Are there others?  [Sts. Theresageebs has Anthony the Abbot / The Desert, which is today then St. Anthony of Padua.  [Sts. Anthonysparkyboy has 1 St. Albert that I know of.  [Sts. Albert]  Well I guess takyttik82 and co would take the cake with all the Marian feasts and I'm sure there are other Sts. Mary out there named after the BVM...  But like I said, I couldn't name anyone.  [Sts. Mary]  LOL!  How can I forget!  Mary Magdeline and the other Mary!  St. Other Mary, pray for us!

Oh yeah...  I just remembered there is also a St. Dion.  Feast day is July 6...  cc durlxnemesis

Sts. Dominic.

Marna told me I should have been taxed for my NYS Mental Health Bonus.  She said only the Fed, not state should have taken money, so I suspect it will come out of my refund.  I hope I don't have to pay anything.  But I gave 7500centfish a heads up.  Marna still needs to hear back from the accountant.  I'm still due my final / 2nd half.

Interesting...  Discovered a new Convert channel...  He grew up Baptist and basically is in the process of converting because he delved into the Church Fathers and found them to be very Catholic sounding.  Anyway...  It reminded me of something 7500centfish said...  Asking but what if Grandpa was Baptized as a Baptist.  Apparently it's not a thing for them.  (???)  And if anything it was symbolic and done out of obedience to God's word.  And if it did anything it just gave them the ability to be an official member / vote on leadership things...  But yeah, nothing to do with salvation or washing away original / the forgiveness of sins.  But like I said...  Everything flows from the Catholic Church.

Clip from Pints With Aquinas talking about Cardinal Pell's thought on the Synod on Synodality.  I mean...  I participated and I don't even know what it was about!  I don't feel like we were directed well in what they wanted.  But then Matt Fradd (reading from what Cardinal Pell wrote?) said the Vatican doesn't need to listen, it needs to teach.  YES!!!  As I said, when I participated...  I was hearing things other have said, mainly inclusion of LGBTQ+, etc, married / female clergy etc and...  Yeah...  We need more cathechesis.  It's not enough for the church to say it (more the former) cannot change its views, but why.  Well let me rephrase that.  Everyone is welcome...  But the church is not gonna change to allow gay marriage.  It all stems from the purpose of sex.  The purpose of sex is to bring about children and to strengthen the bond of marriage.  If either of those are missing the act in illicit.  Therefore contraception is illicit.  Absence of the the baby.  As is invitro fertilization.  Absence of the bonding.  And since I said, more the former.  There are married clergy.  But you cannot be married once you are ordained.  It's a discipline that most think is fitting for the priesthood.  You can't be completely dedicated to the Church if you have another family to care for.  Re female clergy.  The Church cannot change what was instituted by God.  Jesus chose 12 men.  Priests act in the person of Christ.  Jesus is the Bridgroom.  The Church is His Bride.

Yeah...  I'm going too much on a tangent.

Bumper stickers...  Having one that will be recognized by a select few / in crowd...  I mean...  I guess people will guess I'm at least a Christian by my "Sundays are for the Lord" magnet.  But if they look closer, there is a chalice and host...  My Mass in Christmas is more specifically Catholic.  And...  I'm not sure even Catholics would recognize 🇻🇦...

Lol...  Since I'm name dropping everyone.  I got excited this AM thinking kumquatqueen wrote an actual entry.  Happy Anniversary!

catholicism, podcasts, being a dork, work stuffs

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