Ugh...  I feel extra tired today.

Jan 15, 2023 19:35

Woke up feeling crappy too.  I didn't eat much for dinner because I wasn't really hungry and all night I had like acid reflux and wanted to vomit.  I felt hypoglycemic in the shower, but by the time I got to church I felt fine.  Well other than being extremely hungry...  But then after breakfast I was mentally out of it.  I couldn't function and tried to power nap.  I woke up after an hour.  I didn't want to sleep for a long time and I still feel tired.  Ugh.

Anyway, Mass.  Excellent homily.  A lot of good one liners I can't seem to remember anymore.  Lol.  Fr. I kept repeating the Responsorial Psalm refrain, "Here I am Lord, I come to do your will."  He was saying doing the will of the Lord may not always be easy.  It's not only for priests, deacons or religious...  He talked about being Christians it is even more so our duty to do God's will.  He talked about this life not being ours and we needed to give it back to the one who redeemed us.  He also talked about Sts. Peter and Paul.  About their Basilicas...  Talked of how Paul persecuted Christians, but in the end did the Will of God.  He was then beheaded.  He talked of Peter...  How he escaped Rome, but eventually went back and was crucified upside down.  Mentioning his bones being under St. Peter's to this day.  He then referred to Pope Benedict as Pope Raztinger...

In other news...  This guy who I see sitting alone at Mass (no it's not "Matt Maher") got up to invite the men of the parish for a Mens conference.  He then mentioned his wife...  Boggles my mind!!!  I've said it before!  It's so weird when you see men sit alone at Mass, but then out of no where, well on holidays like Father's day they come with a wife and kids in toe (tow?).  I was thinking...  If they had a womens' conference would I go?  I've said it before...  I have trouble "identifying" with woman / finding interest in Woman run podcasts because it's all about emotions and or motherhood.  Yeah, not interested.

HAHAHAHA!!!  Why do priests wave to me before they walk into the confessional???  Lol.  Not all priest.  As I said I went to confession yesterday.  It was Fr. E.  I tried to avert my eyes when he passed by but he waved so I turned and looked even if awkward and late.  Anyway...  He talked of the difficulty of following God's will (Interesting...) and his usual God brought me back to Him for a reason.  Lol...  I had to laugh.  When I did my examination I confessed both doubt in God's grace working in me and religious pride.  I've said it before...  At times I feel the faith is very bipolar.

Dream.  I was sitting in a chapel that was both part of a hospital, but then I also saw people from my parish there.  I do remember going to Mass and Fr. I being the presider.  But then I also remember waiting around for him, him not showing and a "visiting" priest arriving and bring us into an indoor patio.  Like there was a room in King's county with windows always open to the outside and surrounded by a metal...  Cage isn't the right word.  He said Mass there.  It was then another day and we were once again waiting.  It seemed abnormally long.  Once again the visiting priest comes and leads us out of the room.  Except I'm picking up my scarf and hat and I lose him in the hall.  I wander around a bit and see someone else from my church wandering around looking for him.  I call out to him but he seems not to hear.  I eventually make it to the indoor patio and he and another priest are concelebrating and are already at the Eucharistic prayer.  One priest mentions he already consecrated the bread and kinda made it seem like there might be enough since no one was at Mass and I was the first one to show up.  More and more people showed as Mass went on.  Someone then comments that Fr. I was away because he had to work on a case (he's also a civil lawyer) for the Diocese.

Took down the Christmas tree down yesterday.  I have to still bring in the outdoor decorations.  Jesus fell over in the wind.  But ugh...  As I said, I feel so tired.  I might just drag it in and put it away in the garage at a later date.

And my jacket is broken.  The bottom came undone when I was putting the Christmas decorations away.  I then tried to fix it and then the end part that slides into the other zipper side came off / is stick in the zipper thing...  I might just buy a coat from Bloomies and use my gift cards, but I don't want a puffer jacket, nor do I want black.  They have a light blue one that I'm eying but...  Is that too much?  I'd prefer a darker color.  I'd also like a longer jacket and not waist length.  And the website's not working...  I had to use Microsoft Edge.  Purchased!  I used 3 of my 4 gift cards.  I think the last time I also used GCs to buy my rain coat.

I don't understand this...

I'm way behind on my reading...  As I said, I read into Wednesday while I was at my MD appt, but since then I haven't been able to catch up.  Plus I've felt distracted as Mom is watching TV in the AM.  I have about 10 pages a day to read and...  I need to read when I get home as well / in a quiet place if I really want to get what Ratzinger is saying.  That being said...  I don't know if what he has to say isn't new or people have been quoting him, because for the most part I've heard what he has to say elsewhere.  As in...  Jesus was baptized not to be cleansed of sin, but to cleanse the waters of baptism for us, etc.

Found a youtube channel, a Protestant reviews Catechism in a Year.  Interesting...  I wonder how long it takes for her to become Catholic...

Looking into getting a hair towel...  And the only ones that aren't turbans / in a bulk pack of 6 and 1 color are dog towels...  With bones and paw prints.  I might have to get them...

Once again we need to get a big clock to hang in front of Mom's face...  cc 7500centfish

I suddenly feel crappy.  Cold, in pain.  Trying to warm up with coffee.

confession, books, st e, buy me stuff, dream, sunday mass tweet, medical

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