I'm the Pharisee...

Oct 23, 2022 20:44

Just got back from hanging with Mom and her doctor friends.  I'm not sure how official it is...  But she said she wants to resign as secretary.  Everyone was pointing to me...  That I'm her assistant / to take over.  Uh...  I didn't even graduate from UST!  I hope they don't think I'll take over for APPNY!  Anyway...  My hand is cramping.  Dehydrated, yet tired...  Want to drink coffee, but need to drink my water.  Drinking actual water, not the flavored stuff, nor Gatorade.

Interesting...  When we walked in, I thought we were way early, but there were people there already, including a nun!  Well...  A sister.  (Nuns are cloistered, sisters are not.)  Apparently she went to medical school because it was her mother's wish, but then she became a nun.  I wonder if she used her medical knowledge as a nun...  No I don't want to become a nun!  Anyway, it was the normal, eat, then meeting, CME.  LOL!!!  So Shirley talks about if you're diabetic, etc, etc you should be on so and so drug class.  Statins...  But then she later added that it can cause an increased risk of diabetes.  So...  You really have to weight the cost / benefits and she's of the option, it's better to take then not.  My doctor is the opposite.  And...  Honestly, I'm thinking of either not listening to him or dropping him.  As I said, I have an appt with him before I see my primary / cardio / Dr. B, so...  Hopefully it will all be corrected at that point.  Shirley is also of the option fish oil does nothing and it actually causes afib?  All this time the Sister was helping clean up...  She checked out as they were arguing about fund raising.  Lol.

Mass...  Well before...  I read the Mass readings in the AM, everyday.  And...  Am I the Pharisee in today's reading?  Not that I brag in that sense, but...  I don't know.  Part of me feels that I come off as holier than thou, etc.  But then when I'm kneeling in the pew I'm like almost crying asking for God's help.  So...  I don't really know.  I then do my #PostMassTweets, etc.  I posted to family chat...  Seeing Tita E's response prompted me to comment.  Basically...  Deacon Paul gave the homily.  He said it's not enough to baptize your children and give them religious education.  You need to live the faith in your daily life.  Yes!!!  Honestly the beginning of his homily I was internally screaming "Yes!"  flame emojis!!!  But as always, he becomes long winded and...  Yeah.  What else did he say?  He started off talking about vocations.  How he has 2, as a father / husband and as a deacon.  So yeah...  I was like oh boy, here it comes...  As I said (?), I had immediate anxiety when I saw on the parish website we were having a ministry fair.  But then he hinted that we'd be having a baptism today.  Little girl in a wheelchair all dressed in white.  Saying in our baptism, we are anointed priest, prophet and king and that we should embody those roles in our daily life, in our Domestic Churches.  Yeah, after that I lost the point.  Oh yeah...  One thing I remember...  He said Pope St. (St. Pope?) John Paul II would go to confession weekly and it hit him, because the holier you are they more flaws you see in yourself.  Not that I think I'm holy...  Yeah, maybe I'm just scrupulous.  But then he also said the saints often talk about nothing they do is ever enough.  Once again, not that I'm a saint...  Yes, there is more I can do.  Yet...  *sigh*  The struggle is real!!!  I NEED A SPIRITUAL DIRECTOR!!!  Hm...  Is Deacon Paul avail?  Lol...

There was a #TwitterPriest who posted his deacon gave a homily once.  He then responded to himself saying he didn't want to hear anything about the Deacon's homily being crap.  He then added, sometimes Priests need to be preached to...

Anyway, listening to Matt Maher's new album.  So far Leaning is an immediate hit.  I think I need more repeat hearing to figure out the rest.

Random notes...

I stole their wifi when Shirley asked for the wifi so she can use it.  I honestly just wanted to hide in a corner somewhere and read, but then I was waiting for us to eat before I did that.  They then had their meeting and when they started talking CME stuff, I was distracted listening and couldn't read.  I did manage to read like 3 chapters, but those chapters are like 2 to 3 pages max.

Totally random note from when we ate lunch yesterday!  Tita Neng alerted me to a guy holding a baby under his arm.  I'm like...  It's a doll!  But Tita Neng was positive it was an actual baby.  I said, I noticed the little girl holding it before.  Anyway, when they left I saw the guy carrying the "baby" dangling by it's arm.  I pointed out to Tita Neng and she burst out laughing!  HAHAHAH!!!

I thought of cutting my hair...  But then I was having second thoughts.  Mom offered to trim it, but I said, if I cut it, I wanted to cut it shoulder length.  Mom then said no.  Lol.  Living vicariously though my hair!!!  HAHAHAHA!!!  But then...  My hair is like nice right now.  The ends aren't nasty and thin...  I've been using hair oil and condition it often so...

Lol...  I took a tabo selfie.

Some woman tried to make awkward convo with me...  She then stood there then slowly walked away.  Another then asked if I had any siblings...  So I chatted about 7500centfish for a bit.  She then seemed like it was only me and Mom all the time, so I added, no she has sisters who come by every week, so...

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