I can't help but to share my joy!

Sep 24, 2022 20:44

I went to confession and I wasn't intending to post anything.  Like I purposely made a choice to not post.  I didn't feel like posting when I left church either.  But then...  The joy hits.  I'm happy, up beat.  That being said, I did take a picture while waiting.  :p  But didn't use it out of blurriness.  I used another picture I took before, of the new chapel.  Did I mention that the church cashed my check?

Oh yeah, the church is now on Facebook.  I don't have a facebook...  At first it seemed like it just had posts people tagged as a location, but now it has it's own pictures.  I don't know how facbook works, but yeah, so far I just see pics.

Interesting while I was waiting...  This man who I see at Mass...  His kids were altar servers.  The middle girl went off the Cornell the same year Alex went.  The son just graduated HS.  But I'd usually see him standing alone in the back at Mass.  Today he was training to be a sacristan (?).  Like he was learning to prep the altar, check to see the candles had oil etc.  Like it makes me wonder...  Like what inspires someone to do that sort of thing?  I mean, ultimately it's the relationship you have with God, but...  Like is it the priest?  Like I said, I have seen him stand in the back of the church for years, even when we had Fr. Frank.  What inspires him now?  I guess I can ask the same about myself.

In my downtime between posting and doing my Examination, I watched a "reunion" of the Sisterhood girls.  I don't remember how it ended, but via that vid it seemed like 3 of the girls ended the show in the convent.  But then now it seems like they all left, with one about to be a Consecrated Virgin.  One again, I don't remember, but they seem to all have Catholic backgrounds and / or attended Catholic school.  One seemed to talk a lot about God in her life, without mentioning Catholicism in general.  The other felt to me to be more Culturally Catholic, yet a weekly Mass goer, if that makes sense?  One has a podcast, who hosted the show.  I mean...  I'm surprised I haven't heard of her (again), but then I don't tend to gravitate toward women, so...  The other two seem to be active / working in the Church / things tangential to it.  Her?  Anyway, aside from that the vid talked about how real the show was.  The cultural catholic girl was talking about she literally thought it was a sign from God.  Like she had been Catholic all her life, child acting career, etc, so she felt it was like a sign maybe God wanted this for her.  The other mentioned having a "panic attack" during adoration, but now sees it as God speaking to her / remorse she had about a girl saying she dreamed Jesus proposed to her.  She then revealed she has since had the same dream and feels Him more.  A lot of it was listen to where God is leading you.  Anyway...  Of the other 2 that were actively discerning during the show they left and got married.  I think it's been 7 yeas since the show ended?  But then they mentioned Youtube was showing the show again during the pandemic.  I may have it on my computer somewhere or VHS...

The Fisherman's Tomb recap!  cc 7500centfish  They talk about Margherita Guarducci, how at the time there weren't many women in archaeology, so in a sense she was a feminist in a male dominated world.  They talked of her upbringing in Florence, with its art both Christian and pagan.  How she was more concerned with the past than the present.  It was also a time when archaeology was developing into a science and not just like Indiana Jones, being destructive and acquiring artifacts, but cataloging, making grids, etc.

Going to some Mass / dinner thing in Queens.  We're driving to someone's house then we're being driven.  What am I gonna wear?  "Sunday" clothes.  So I can wear my "This is my Sunday Shirt" shirt?  Lol.  Might default to the dress I wore for Matthew's grad or the other dress I bought.  Might need stockings and a cardigan...  My weather app says mid 70s, but...  I'm always cold!

I was upstairs playing "Fashion Show" or now what I call #TradWifeLARPing  HAHAHAHA!!!  I asked 7500centfish / kumquatqueen if I should wear the navy floral dress, with the pink / coral cardigan, plus or minus leggings, with saddle like shoes or plain flats, or a maroon floral dress with a black cardigan, same thing with shoes and leggings.  7500centfish was driving, but kumquatqueen said the 2nd.  The thing I wore to Matthew's grad, with leggings and saddle shoes.  7500centfish then asked what it was for...  It's a Filipino Mass where the Esguerra's and Hermano and Hermana Mayor.  As I said, Mom said "Sunday clothes, no pants."  kumquatqueen then changed her vote to the one sans legging and flats.  I might need to find nude stocking because I'm cold.  I'm always cold.

Contemplating spending to get good quality socks, but I'm not sure if that quality is worth $130 for 12 pairs.  Like I just want ankle socks that stay up.  But then it's also getting colder so I'll be transitioning to knee socks soon.

In other news, I broke my anklet while playing fashion show.

I heard the "neighbors" in the yard.  It seems like the dog escaped and they were calling for it to come back.  It was a mix of Spanglish.  Lol.  They called the dog Senorita, but then spoke everything else in English.  HAHAHAHA!!!  Doggoh is always welcome!  But like I said (?), at this point they seem to be refurbishing the house.  I don't know if the intend on living there or sell it.  Today I saw a moving truck with wrapped funatuire.

confession, books, st e, #tradwifelarping, buy me stuff, discernment

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