Imma doctor!!!

Sep 24, 2022 13:30

Had my pelvic US this AM.  And I actually saw what I was looking at!!!  Like the images were so clear!  I don't know if it was somehow different from previous times, did I have a good tech, a fuller bladder?  But like I can actually see my uterus and tell it was a uterus!  I briefly looked at my previous images and...  What is that?  Like it's just totally different!  That being said, I can't see if I have any pathology.  And I don't know why the website won't allow you to scroll through images.  Like if you can quickly flip between pictures you can see if any abnormalities pop up picture to picture.  Lol...  So I had to drink 32 oz an hour before my appt.  And...  I think I need to wake up earlier than I usually do.  Like, got up my typical time, prayed, showered.  Came down around 7:40, ate breakfast.  I drank about 10 to 12 oz of coffee, then 24 oz of Gatorade.  I finished at 9:15, my appt was at 10.  So 15 mins later than I should.  And...  I had to poop more than peep, so it wasn't horrible...  I did have to pee by the time I had the appt, but I wouldn't say it was uncomfortable and therefore full.  But the tech said it was full.  But then again, so did the last, but then when it was read by the radiologist he noted an inadequately filled bladder.  So I dunno.  Anyway...  I arrived early to fill my papers.  They made me sign a waver, but then, I realized it was for a transvaginal only after I signed.  Sorry...  I didn't read, I thought it was a general consent form.  So I told the lady I signed it, but didn't agree.  She then also added yeah, she realized it wasn't a transvag on her end either so she said she would toss it.  I was brought back.  Ew...  It smelled.  Like stale pads in the trash.  Blech!  Brought me into a room directly.  Unlike last time I wasn't asked to totally disrobe, but to just lower my pants / undies a bit.  And like I said, the images we so clear!  But then...  She started labeling the left ovary and I felt she was in the same location as when she was doing my right ovary.  But...  I'm not a tech and I know when reading radiology it's always in one direction.  Like...  Right is always left on the "film", you always read as if you are facing the person / looking from the foot of a bed.  She then asked me when my last menstrual period was.  July.  You didn't have one in August?  No.  Are you on any hormones?  No.  Is that normal?  I've been irregular...  See that confuses me.  My first gyn said she didn't believe my fibroid was the cause of heavy bleeding because I have a history of amenorrhea.  And that's atypical with fibroids.  Not that I don't have a fibroid.  Maybe that in itself is asymptomatic.  She was leaning more toward early premenopause / metabolic syndrome.  But at the same time I'm semi controlled on the DM front so...  I'm just messed up.  cc 7500centfish

Anyway, went up early last night and found nothing on youtube to fall asleep to, so I went to Amazon and found the same.  Ended up logging into HULU.  Got an alert saying the rate was gonna increase...  Lol.  7500centfish uses HULU more than I do!  But then I scoped the "Catholicism" titles and stumbled upon "Bad Habits, Holy Orders".  I was a bit skeptical, but then it reminded me of Sisterhood.  Well the latter mixed a group of girls who were discerning, while the former was just party girls.  For a second, I did see the appeal of a life of prayer and routine.  But...  It's the aspect of community that I struggle with.  And I've said before...  I do feel like I'm a shy extrovert.  So I don't think I would do well in contemplative life.  *sigh*  Anyway...  A lot of the girls came from a life of partying, drinking and sex.  But then when they entered the convent, they seemed to easily shed their phones.  They did protest and got to go out one night.  One girl didn't really drink nor do drugs, but was more addicted to her phone and...  I guess a lot had issues with self worth and familial relationships.  They initially spent 2 weeks in 1 convent which was their home base.  Then on the 3rd week they were sent to other convents.  One assisted with the homeless, another at an old folks home.  But then one was contemplative.  LOL!!!  They were like never again and were so happy to return to the first convent!  Some of the nuns talked of their former life.  How one was like them going out, drinking, but felt unfulfilled.  One nun talked of when she first arrived in a miniskirt.  HAHAHHA!!!  The last week was returning to their homes and testing themselves.  One went immediately to going out that night, but then later made a conscious choice to not go out to be prepared / sober to volunteer at a farm she used to volunteer at.  One girl put her makeup back on, but for the purpose of enrolling in college.  Another hung out with friends, but then agreed to be the designated driver and drank in moderation.  I mean...  I guess it could have been all for show.  I saw 2 instagram accounts of some of the participants.  And it seems like not much has changed in how they look, but they do seem to be in long term relationships.  But then...  It's been 5 or 6 years?  They're probably mid to late 20s now.  I mean...  It didn't really focus on religion.  Yes they were made to go to prayer and Mass and they said they probably wouldn't do that once they leave, but it was more about self worth and finding someone that accepts that.

Random notes I don't really want to write about...

I don't even remember what podcast.  It's one on my "Preview" list.  Like I don't really listen unless the topic seems interesting.  And...  They were talking about the Shia interview.  Maybe because how I discovered it, from Bishop Barron himself and not #CatholicTwitter / social media, I didn't have the same opinion.  Basically it came up on their radar because people were praising what he said about the TLM.  And...  Yes, he did, but it wasn't the focus of the interview.  So...  I kinda disregarded those posts.  But then via the podcast it made it seem like he was some sort of TLM hero, bashing the NO.  Like I said, when I first saw the interview I was more excited by his conversion as a whole and the mention of the TLM was noting more than that, a mention.  I mean...  He's playing Padre Pio, so it makes sense for him to learn / understand that Mass.  Yeah.  So...

On CSYSK, Fr. Mike mentions his dog Cornbread Felicity was a corgi.  But then he also implied she died?  NO!!!  I mean...  I think the podcast is like 12 years at this point and I think it was old to begin with / living with his parents while he was in seminary?

Randomly googled Pangasinan.  And according to Merriam Webster it's "Christianized people of central Luzon".  So who are the non Christians?

Requested my remaining vacay leave, but then I put a note about Christmas I might not use it all for Christmas.  I have 5 days left at that point and there are 4 days between Christmas and New Years, so...  Last year I think I used it for All Souls so I can see our candle blessed.  What does next year look like?  In previous years I thought of using days for Good Friday.  But now everyone keeps talking about having their bday off.  Then...  Aren't there more grads and the like?  cc 7500centfish

I know Latin!

Kanye posted an SNY clip...  He then later posted the Pope.  HAHAHA!!!

A day late, but Happy Feast Day!  Lol.  I wanted Mom to post on family chat so I can comment with me telling my confessor AKA Fr. I I wish I had a confessor who could read my soul.  🤣

Oh and it was my Baptism anniversary yesterday (?).  I swear Mom showed me a written sacramental record with my Baptism info, but then when I brought it up this time she said it doesn't exist and that I was baptized 2 weeks after my birth, it was
7500centfish that was baptized a month later.  In addition, in the past she had said 7500centfish was baptized by a family priest friend, but in the house.  Uh...  We have pictures!!!  Yes it was the priest friend, but it was in St. E.  Anyway...  I "broke" my music fast to post some Matt Maher song on Instagram along with one of my previous baptism posts.

#catholictwitter, catholicism, playing doctor, podcasts, tv, medical

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