2 Dreams...

Sep 22, 2022 20:34

Dream 1.  I was in an episode of Whodunit, so I was in a big mansion and...  I feel like I was familiar with the show, unlike others, so I knew to expect certain things.  At some point we were running around the house for clues or something and someone went into a door and it closed shut behind them.  I then see a pink post it note on the door and that signified to me that the person who went in was the 1st victim.  With my knowledge of the show I knew that there would be evidence and I wanted to be the 1st to see it so I enter the room, but then realize because it is a show they hadn't set up the room for the fake murder scene yet.  I just remember seeing a landline covered in scotch tape.  I exit the room and see a group of 3 people run past and I approach the one at the end and ask if they want to team up.  Cut to...  We're now in a fake studio room of the crime scene.  Like it's only walled on 3 sides.  I was looking at a desk and I see an envelope talking about how the person was bipolar and some other medical issues and of course because of my knowledge I was putting things together.

Dream 2.  7500centfish comes home unexpectantly and I was watching TV, etc.  At some point she leaves the room and I fall asleep.  The kitchen was arranged like a bedroom.  Like the bed was where the laptop is, close to the siding door.  There was another bed where the couch is...  Anyway, I fall asleep, but turn around and see someone laying on the couch.  I didn't realize 7500centfish brought her friends along.  I felt like I was asleep, yet I was conscious of what was going on around me.  The girl kept trying to tell me she was gonna turn the TV off or change the channel, but then stops short of doing it.  At some point she gets in bed with me, not to "sleep" with me, but to annoy me.  But honestly I can sleep through anything...  Because it's a twin bed we eventually fall onto the floor and...  Once again I feel like I'm still asleep, but I'm like in a seated position.  At that point I decide this is redonk.  I'm just gonna get up and get into bed again.  7500centfish then comes into the room and protests about what I'm watching and I scream at her about child abuse.  (???)

Why are my coworkers (Gen Z) so adverse to answering a corded phone???  They will run around the office looking for the cordless rather than pick up the phone next to them!  🤷‍♀

7500centfish sent me a forward of the St. A alum facebook page...  I saw it on the instagram.  Anyway...  She wondered who the other priest was.  I had no clue.  But is he available for spiritual direction?  Lol.  At some point with the previous Chaplain...  He posted vids on youtub that I watched.  I thought of messaging him asking him if he's available for spiritual direction.  Adding I'm an alumnus.  I think he lived in Sts. C&M's?  Either way...  Too late now.  I think he's in the Hamptons.  And the current chaplain is no help.  LOL!  That being said...  I mean, I am in a better mood, but maybe I should take him up on the as needed basis.  I don't know...

Anyway...  I then posted the post that mentioned the name of the other priest and said I was having #NovusOrdoNightmare vibes.  Like they posted a pic of what seemed to me when they invite the children up for the Our Father.  But then...  No one was orans posture, not even Fr. I so maybe it was "Eucharistic minsters?"  If I remember correctly you were trained if you were in Theology 12 honors?

Almost forgot my Fisherman's Tomb recap!  cc 7500centfish  They were talking curse of St. Peter's tomb.  After it was opened there was a flood in Rome.  They eventually discovered a burst pipe which when fixed the flooding stopped.  In 1949 the story leaked of the bones being found, but it was no more than I stated (?), that they found the tomb and found bones, but more testing would need to be done to confirm they were Peter's.  They recap what happened to the group previous mentioned after the war.  Once again hinting at this lady, who actually exposed the greater discovery.

Priests talking about their wife...

Very cultured dog!

books, #novusordonightmare, scissors, discernment, dream

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