Too many cooks!!!

Sep 13, 2022 21:17

Had my IM / Cardio appt today.  First off...  The medical assistant is overly friendly, like good to see a familiar face, it's been a while, etc.  Too much for my liking!  Anyway...

It was scheduled for tonight at 5:40, but then I got a call last week asking me to reschedule, same day, but earlier.  So I took the 8AM.  Got to work in time and everything.  Anyway...  I got there around 7:40 and waited outside till the door opened.  They were running around because the computers were down so they said there would be a delay, but I was checked in and given a room pretty much almost immediately.  Dr. B didn't see me till maybe 8:30...  I brought up the fact the nephrologist changed up my meds.  He said something about too many cooks and that he'd keep it as is.  He had suggested I lower my other statin and start on another drug, but my nephrologist discontinued it.  Initially started me on 10 mg of Rosuvastatin, but then decreased it to 5.  Need to watch my liver.  Still have increased ALT.  My BP was very good.  106/something.  Said if it continues to be lower or if I get lightheaded or dizzy to let him know.  He might d/c my amlodipine.  I told him about my gyn.  Although I have a fibroid / cysts, I'm not currently bleeding / am late.  He mentioned I need to start doing colonoscopies at 45...  See him again in 4 months.  cc 7500centfish

I was looking at my upcoming schedule.  I realized my next "Confession Session" coincides with takyttik82's "Save the Date".  I hadn't heard anything since, so I didn't know the deets.  I also have a Nephro appt that AM.  So I wondered if I could still go there or did I need to reschedule.  Was it a brunch or lunch thing?  Either way...  I went back in #FamChat to see if anything else was said.  Oh...  8PM.  So I can go to my appt in the AM and go to confession in the PM!  Otherwise I've have to go back on the 1st week schedule and it's usually not Fr. I.

I guess the Aunts bought a new scale that calculates BMI and the like...  Except it's so complicated!  Like I was able to input my info.  But I don't understand if I was able to weigh myself correctly, nor how to weigh myself again.  Lol...  I put my height as 5'4"!  But it also says I'm 5lbs more than I measure on my bathroom scale this AM.

OMG...  Build-a-Bear is gonna have a Gizmo plushie...  Of course I preodered it!  HAHAHAHA!!!  7500centfish is already threatening to throw it in the closet / ship it to the Philippines!

Lol.  Tita Carmen asked me to help her log into her SPS acct.  Except the user name / pword Jennie has is wrong.  So she was like she can't do anything right now till they're back in Texas.  At that point, I awkwardly excused myself and walked out of the room sideways.  LOL!

Once again pondering...  If I were not "born" and raised Catholic, would I have the courage to convert?  But then again it's not like I wasn't compelled to do something and met with so and so...  But then again I'm in a standstill right now.  So...  Would I have made an initial step then chicken out?  There are always posts on reddit about wanting to go to Mass, but being scared the first time, etc.  Like...  Would I be scared to go to Mass?  I was curious and went to Latin Mass once.  But then...  Would I be so stuck in my ways I wouldn't even venture out of what I already knew.  As I said...  When I had questions about the faith, I stick to Catholic sources.  I vary rarely ever look for a protestant perspective and just get "their perspective" via Catholic sources.  So...

The Fisherman's Tomb.  cc 7500centfish  Finished up on the Vatican "Secret" archives, saying there is a document describing the tomb as being in the center of the previous St. Peter's.  Surrounded by marble, the remains in a bronze sarcophagus.  Constantine and St. Helena put a silver cross, crowns and the like.  They suspect much of it was looted during Roman persecution even before Constantine.  Once again talking about excavation without proper tools.  Probably destroying pagan graves / artifacts to get to Peter's tomb.  Having to construct concrete pillars to support the weight of the current Basilica.  They discovered the Valerian family tomb which has a clue to Peter's.  There is graffiti on it mention Peter to pray to Jesus.

As I said, I emailed the church about renewing our candle.  They said I can cut a check and drop it off at the church or mail it.  I was thinking of asking if I can just drop it in the collection basket.  But now...  I think I'll just mail it.

In other other news...  Sr. Pat emailed me back.  I had mentioned work was busy.  She mentioned it's a vocation in itself working with children...

My GYN is supposed to mail me a script for my pelvic sono in 2 weeks.

Or Fr. Rudness and Fr. Handsome!

catholicism, #famchat, familiy chat, discernment, medical

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