Playing doctor...

Sep 11, 2022 20:36

I could have gotten a certificate...

Mom went to the APPNY Health Fair...  #ImJustTheDriver!  Did my normal Sunday routine...  Well actually I slept in a bit.  But I got out of bed in enough time to pray and shower at my normal time.  Went down and had breakfast.  Mom told the Aunts to fend for themselves and we left.

It was in some church in Queens.  They screened blood sugar, BP, BMI, EKG.  They had a dietician.  And...  Most of the doctors Coffee Klatched.  I found myself a little corner and read.  I connected to the basement wifi...  Took selfies with Carlo Acutis.  I was the unofficial photographer.  There was a lecture on Hepatitis B by a Chinese Pee Wee Herman...  They provided food.  But there wasn't enough.  I was gonna get one for me and Mom to share, but I heard someone say it was for the doctors...  Mom then already got one for me and her.  It was Chinese.  I only ate the chicken and some of the egg.  It also had beef and...  What are those flat bean things?  Then the eggs had shrimp cooked into it.  But I ate the egg.  It was good, but too much food.  Mom and I could have shared.  They even made a cabbage / beef stew.  Cathy made everyone coffee...  I later made one for myself and made a mess of the kitchen.  The kureg overflowed.  So I split it in 2 and put coffee in my milk.  Or as I told 7500centfish, I like my coffee white, like my man!  Hahaha...  I took an incognito selfie with a priest.  I feel like I'm making my priest jealous...  HAHAHAHAH!!!  One day Father, one day...  Like I said, I was the photographer and Aunt Pitat asked me to send them to her.  So I did...  But then I didn't.  I guess I have her old cellphone number.  So I might have sent the pics to some rando.  Either way, "Mom" then fwd the pictures to her APPNY group.

My life has been a lie!!!  Before the "party" ended Cathy was taking everyone's height, Aunt Pitat, Mom...  Me...  Whenever I go to the doctor and they no longer take heights, but just ask.  I say I'm 5'23/4".  Some will put 5'2", some 5'3".  My license says 5'2"...  So when Cathy measured me.  5'4"!  WHAT!?!  Like the last time I was measured I was still with Dr. R and...  I was still growing when I was 16, so...  Hm...  What does this mean in terms of my BMI???

Got my blood results.  And I'm confused...  Firstly my A1c is 6, which is higher than it was.  Glucose 139.  My ALT continues to be high.  My cholesterol is "normal", with the exception of the HDL, which is low...  My endo only tests for protein in my urine and that's fine.  But then the CBC...  My Hgb is 15...  I have high RBC and high HCT.  In addition I have high eosinophiles.  That being seen in allergies and the like.  I mean, OK I haven't had my period in a month or so, but...  It's never been that high and I've never had high RBCs.  Ok it's not drastically high, and it's just 1 blood test and not persistent.  So maybe it's nothing.  I'm not on any iron supplements, nor on Vit C or B12.  I wonder...  Should I donate blood?  Give back?  But then...  I always fear...  I could bleed out anytime I have my period.  My period post pill when it came back was still heavy when it should come back gradually.  My body is messed up!  Oh and my creatinine is high.  Not as high as it was when I was told to go to the ER, but high.

Did a Chinese food run for the Aunts.  Mom said she will bring them to Walmart tomorrow or Tuesday.

Thursday Murder Club...  They 1st person the priest and they call his clerical collar a "dog collar"...  I was gonna say use the correct term and say "tab collar", but it might be the one that goes all around.  I alway laugh at the joke that God will grab a priest by his collar and bring them to heaven.  Therefore the tab collar priest won't be brought up.  HAHAHAHA!!!  Yeah...  As much as I think the premise is interesting, just the little comments here and there is annoying.  At this point I'm not sure I want to read the other books.

Forgot to say, when I rushed out of the house yesterday to get my meds, I was so rushed, I left the house in my house slippers!

Lol...  I thought Jennie's SIL was her MIL...  Either way, twinning!

playing doctor, books, #imjustthedriver, medical

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