Day ruined already!!!

Sep 10, 2022 11:49

Firstly, I forgot I needed my blood drawn this AM, so I couldn't sleep in.  I then had to look for my lab form so I spent 30 mins rummaging through my papers to find it, but it was under my socks???  There was no wait at the lab thankfully.  Got both donuts and munchkins plus my breakfast.

Mom then informed me...  She "forgot" the Aunts were coming.  WHAT!?!  She had previously said when they come they want to go to the mall after Mass / breakfast.  But now she's saying she needs to go to a health fair in the AM / leave at 9 so...  We need to go to Mass tonight.  Now...  I was kinda feeling in need of a soul scrub, but the fact we'd be picking them up.  But we're picking them up at 3+!  We'd have to go directly to church!  I also didn't want to rush the Aunts next week because it's Tita E's bday...  Nor do I want to wait a week after that.  I dunno...  We'll see.  So yeah...  They(Queens)'re also coming.  But Mom and I aren't going to the mall with them.

So my remaining schedule...
ETA:  Laundry
Prep for confession
Go to the airport
Pick up my meds

Oh and like I said, Mom has this health fair.  I wasn't planning on going...  Mom was making comments she needs to borrow my GPS.  Like she knows how to use it!!!  Now it's...  I don't know where it is, you need to drive me.  Ugh.  Honestly I'll be ok if I can find a corner where I can read.  Don't make me socialize and don't make me "see" patients.

Dream.  I just remember being in the back seat of a truck or something and driving through a rural village somewhere in the Caribbean.  Ramin Karimloo was sitting in the front passenger seat chatting with the driver about weight lifting.  I then remember seeing a truck with people on top "capsize" as they pass through muddy water.  We were going in the opposite direction, but then turn around.  I'm afraid the same might happen to us, but then we just drive through without issue.  I then remember being on the side of the road and this woman hugging another woman, but she is so muscular her back muscles formed like a divot where her muscles met.  Like it was almost solid.

Just remembered I need to start my laundry...

They came and went.

Fisherman's Tomb recap!!!  cc 7500centfish  They're beginning to describe the team they put together.  The Pope wanted to make it absolutely secret so he didn't allow any electric machinery, just shovels and pick axes.  He also didn't want anyone but clergy nor Vatican employees to work on the team, with exception of their financial backer, the Texan.  They keep hinting at this woman who seems to have become the head / most influential part of the team, but I know nothing more than that.

I told Mom I plan to go to confession.  "At every Mass your sins are forgiven"...  "Not mortal sin..."  "Not Mortal sin?"  *sigh*  I then added...  "Not that I'm in mortal sin, but it's good practice to go to confession...  often."

There is a house I often drive by that had a cardboard cutout of Queen Elizabeth in the window.  I wonder if King Charles will show up one day...

Duolingo...  Did a friend challenge "with" Dom, except I did it all because it was only 100xp and I was doing my double boost things so I easily did like 50 per lesson.  But once again the reward for that is a time boost and it cut into my already 15 mins.  So...

This is me...

I don't know what to do in the meantime...  Files?  Maybe I need to estimate times on my above list?  I already started my laundry.  We need to leave for the airport around 2:30...  Shower at 1:30 the latest.  Prep for confession either before or after...  So shower at 1.  First laundry load is done around 12...

books, dream

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