Dreaming of Bubble Tea...

Sep 09, 2022 20:54

Send help!!!  I had a dream we were walking at a strip mall.  It seemed to be late at night.  7500centfish stops into a Chinese restaurant and I'm like, "Ooh...  Bubble Tea!"  So we approach the counter they had like those drink dispensers that have juice and tea out in front.  Kinda self serve.  One is milky brown the other as if it were black coffee.  But when we approach the counter they don't seem to have any Bubble Tea.  We're then waiting for the order and I'm in some side room with an employee prepping napkins and utensils.  She says they no longer make bubble tea past a certain time, something about the registers being closed.  She makes a comment that they have 2 types of Bubble tea.  I forgot what she called one, but it was like a one time deal.  I tell this to the group and geebs walks to the table with our order and it comes in a cardboard individual meal bundle with like the food and bubble tea.  Except it's not the bubble tea I wanted.  For some reason I was craving taro or ube, something purple and I got like some white tea.  So I approach the counter to get this other tea the woman had mentioned.  I then remember some corner of my eye thing of someone dropping said combo platter thing on the ground in a comic manner.

They're coming tomorrow and...  I'm semi anxious.  They'll only be here till Wed and...  Like it takes me a while to "warm up".  Like...  Will I sit down with them typing my entires?  Will I retreat to my room?  Lol...  I have to give Tita Carmen her seat back!  As Mom said, they want to shop on Sunday.  I suspect they might need to go food shopping...  But then again, Mom found fish in the freezer.

Today's Clerically Speaking started off good.  They talked briefly about the Infant of Prague.  Someone called in asking what that "thing" was.  "That 'thing' is Baby Jesus!"  Lol.  Basically it came from Spain and somehow lost His hands.  So He (?) made promises to whoever gave him hands.  The tradition continued in dressing Him up.  So...  Everyone needs a baby Jesus to dress up!  Remember the time I lied to Fr. I after confession about my devotion to the Infant of Prague?  Now I really need one!!!  As I said, I just like cute thing and Baby Jesus is the cutest!  The ep ended with Spiritual Pride and...  At first I was into it, I thought it would apply to me, but then...  It didn't seem to.  So...  Maybe I'm just blind?  They mentioned how when your first start in the faith you're joyful.  But you're very much a baby in the faith and God is throwing you in the air / catching you.  But then you grow older and learn to walk, you fall at times, it gets harder, but it's different.  But then I kinda lost where they were going when talking about Spiritual Pride.

Another example of "I know nothing about Catholicism" from Thursday Murder Club.  Basically 2 of the women in the group try to get info on this recent murder case and to get in contact with the "WPC" they spoke to earlier in the book they say one of them is a nun and therefore must only talk to woman.  Uh...  Aren't you talking to a dude at the front desk???

Recap of The Fisherman's Tomb.  cc 7500centfish  Talking about Pius XII.  Basically how he was a shining example as a cardinal, but it started with his parents.  His father worked in the Vatican.  He was then interested in the history / art of Rome, archeology, so it was natural for him to have interest in finding Peter.

Interesting thread on Reddit.  OP posted, he is a classically trained singer, that he's often approached by parishioners / church people about participating in Mass / the parish.  But he's afraid his past will disqualify him and if people should find out it could cause scandal.  He wanted to know how it should be handled.  Only priest can make top comment and he should definitely bring it up with the pastor and...  There are many great sinner who converted and completely turned their lives around and became saints.  There was also a "lay person" comment saying kinda letting the past dictate his future and hide his talents and not use them for God.  FYI...  He was a gay porn star.  But yeah, he has be prepared to give a response if it's made public.  In addition, it kinda outs the person who brings it up...

OMG!!!  New Matt Maher album in Oct!!!  I preorered off Amazon already.  Stories I tell Myself.  He also announced a tour, but none of the locations appear near me.  Plus it seems like someone else is headlining?  No thanks?

I also "bought" the next installment of the WOF bible that won't be available till next summer.  Also Season 2 of The Chosen / the Christmas album.

Accidental RT...

catholicism, books, podcasts, buy me stuff, dream, music

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