I'm a weakling!

Sep 07, 2022 20:46

I've had multiple dreams where I was hitting someone, usually with an object and I just feel so weak and unable to swing that object...  Anyway, dream!  I was in some sort of vacation home and there was a rumor that someone was going around killing people as they slept, so of course I'm determined to stay awake.  7500centfish and I kinda spot each other at the same time we were with some other people who we were watching too.  Like it was their turn to sleep while it was 7500centfish's and I's turn to keep watch.  At one point a "Stranger" turns up to the door and I immediately know he is the killer.  He was actually some Nikelodeon director that abused some of the girl (???).  Anyway, I go out of the room and try to grab something to hit him with and all I can find is some flimsy metal pole.  Even then I couldn't get a strong enough swing to at least stun him.  It was as if it were as heavy as a baseball bat, that the weight of it made me struggle to have the strength to swing it.  It seemed like some time later and we were again on watch.  This time we were outside and it was night.  Something made us retreat into a another room and it was almost a mirror of the previous place we were staying except it was decorated with stuffed (like taxidermied) bears...  Only a few people came into the new room but a few people "hid" in tents outside.  At some point I go and take a shower and before I start I'm standing in the shower and I see a silhouette in the curtain and...  I freeze thinking if I can't see him, he can't see me.  I think I woke up at that point.

Today's Fisherman's Tomb reacp!!!  Actaully 2 days worth...  cc 7500centfish  Talking about the area surrounding Vatican City how...  The prominent families had their tombs on the major roadways.  The family tomb was like the family history and family connections were everything.  Then when the Barbarians came and sacked Rome, the tombs of the prominent families were destroyed and looted.  But because the place where St. Peter was supposedly dumped / buried, it became a dumping ground for undesirables, animals, etc it wasn't touched.  Eventually it too became a necropolis.  When Constantine, with the urging of his mother, wanted to build a Church on the site, they couldn't bulldoze the graves, so they just buried them, further protecting them from the above mentioned looting / destruction.  Today...  Once again talking about the sacking of Rome.  In addition it talked of the building of the current St. Peter's.  The old was made of wood and even when they sacked Rome, the building stood for I think they said 1000 years?  Sure they looted it and took art / other valuables, but the building stood.  They actually said the building of the current St. Peter's did more damage than the invaders!  In building the baldacchino they discovered a pagan tomb...  Which they tore apart and threw into the Tiber!  HAHAHAHA!!!  So yeah, they kept finding pagan tombs and worried St. Peter wasn't actually buried there and decided to hide that fact and therefore the treasure trove was forgotten about for another 500 years.  Once again in the building of the previous Pope's tomb in the 1950s did they first discover a Christian tomb which caused them to excavate the rest and look for St. Peter's tomb.  Now...  The Amazon reviews are starting to make sense.  In recapping it it seemed like I've said this before, but in reading it, it doesn't seem as redundant.  In other news...  I feel like he also keeps making comments about the Vatican "Secret" Archives, like they legit hide secret when...  It's just a library.

Also slowly reading The Thursday Murder Club.  Ugh...  Such lazy writing!  One character writes a journal and she mentions like...  She's not vegan, but she heard of climate change / eventually meat shortages.  She's 80 but needs to think about the future / her children.  *sigh*

Saw the worst movie!!!  Well maybe not worst.  But it was bad.  It was some "chick flick" off Amazon.  British kid moves next door.  Becomes BFFs with the girl next door, eventually turns to love.  She goes off to college, he working for his father.  They fight that they don't have time for each other.  Break up, but then he runs to her, she runs to him.  They get married.  They decided to have a baby, but then the guy gets consumed with work.  He doesn't have time for her, etc, etc...  Same thing as before.  She gets pregnant, but then miscarries, she gets cancer.  Goes into remission.  She buys a boat he vowed to have when they were kids.  They referb it.  Her cancer comes back.  She dies...  He's all depresso.  He gets out of the depression by referbing the boat with his father, FIL and friend.  Oh and some rando guy who shows up...  There is still 30 mins left in this!!!  He gets a call that his wife's BFF died in a car accident and left a child who listed the wife as the next of kin, so...  He basically adopts her.  Rando!  I was half thinking he'd end up with the friend, but yeah, just her kid.  Seriously, my description was just as brief as the movie.  Like...  It wasn't long and drawn out.

I need a real chick flick to binge!

Lol...  I then got a letter in the mail saying I haven't watched anything off Prime and to know it's included for free with my subscription.  HAHAHHA!!!

I played "How do you pronounce this in Spanish" with 7500centfish.  "Ojeda"...  I mean, I would say "Oh-he-dah".  But when the mother called...  "Oh-gee-dah".  WHAT!?!  I mean, I think she's El Salvadorian (Salvadoreno?), I have no clue what the father is...  But then we have a lot of patients from El Salvador and they don't pronounce the LL as y...  So Bonilla is Bo-nil-a, not Bo-knee-ah.

I reread the reddit thread that mentioned Kevin James.  It is St. M's...  Maybe both.  Interesting...

Bishop Barron's Homily.  I forgot who he was quoting...  But he said Love God.  Then love everything out of the love of God...  That hit me.

Patron Saint Prayer Chain.

books, movie, prayer, scissors, dream

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